Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] he some " in BNC.

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1 I thought I had sent him some that were very good , but I received a most snarky letter from him saying " They may be very fine artists but they do n't know anything about teaching , and I 'm not interested in any of your geniuses unless they really take trouble about the job in hand " .
2 I 've given him some some things to play he 's going to play with his pennies and make patterns and work out his tables .
3 Ma , ma just killed man , I 've given him some
4 Ma , ma just killed man , I 've given him some
5 yes oh yes , could do that , I 've let him some out though when you see him at the back
6 I have given him some heavy sarcasm about it . ’
7 There was a desultory air to the whole performance , and I knew that he was conscious of his mediocre first round , which had put him some way down the field .
8 She 'd tossed him some bait , and he 'd swallowed the rod .
9 He had despised her thoroughly ever since she had given him some dire warnings about the state of his aura , and he felt she would be perfect for this review .
10 She had given him some newspaper torn into squares and a glass of dark-brown liquid that tasted like spanish water .
11 She had given him some gift , something which he cherished very dearly .
12 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
13 She had made him some breakfast about 7.30 .
14 ‘ Look , we 've got him some pyjamas — all right , but why not give him something else as well ?
15 They 'd given him some papers , and somebody had gone to the cashier for his money ( it made a nice fat bulge in his hip pocket ; he patted it now and again as he walked , just to make sure it was still there ) and eventually he 'd signed some papers .
16 The laibon wants it understood that it has taken him some time to trace the trouble back to this incident .
17 Perhaps he had given him some idea of when he would be home .
18 In fact he had barred him some three weeks previously in mid-March .
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