Example sentences of "[pron] and [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ B is for Bell , ’ ' Paul said quietly , nodding to himself and staring at the rusting device .
2 Let my lord pass on before his servant , and I will lead on slowly , according to the pace of the cattle which are before me and according to the pace of the children , until I come to my lord in Seir . ’
3 ‘ Certainly not … to catch me here ! ’ said the third , lifting on the breeze above me and hovering over the top of the pole where the trap was .
4 She said , ‘ Every year I end up taking a pair of rubber gloves with me and looking after the children , and every year I end up coming home feeling exhausted .
5 I keep remembering the last night we were here — same hotel and all — and how Matt and I went out and got stinko-paralytico together and ended up doing the Zorba dance and got thrown out and Matt pointing at me and saying to the waiters Hey do n't you recognize Mista Rick from Parkway Peninsula and they did n't and made us pay for the plates .
6 This woman with a red headscarf is looking at them and chatting to the man behind the stall .
7 He picked up the books one by one , opening them at the title page , watching every movement of her pen as she signed them and commenting on the brilliance of each individual plot .
8 But there would be lights in the chapel , Isabel assured herself , peering ahead for a sign of them and flinching from the feel of the rough stone beneath her palm .
9 All the children who were living far away , they brought a sandwich and a flask with them and eating in the desk in the classroom .
10 Bodie got out of the car and strolled past the two men , standing quite close to them and browsing in the window of the shop before which they stood .
11 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
12 If you allowed for the shape of two paper-backs , between them and jutting from the end was a two-inch pack of what could be paper money .
13 When a police car arrived , one man hopefully pointed out a few spots of blood on the pavement , mentally drawing a chalk circle round them and marking off the area with official police tape .
14 The Communist Party Central Committee complained in February 1932 : The Minority Movement is a small self-absorbed organization of leaders who have nothing to do with the real struggle of the workers and who instead of going to the workers , working among them and fighting against the reformist leaders in the Trade Unions , simply approach the workers with the invitation to take part in a highly elaborate organisational structure .
15 In-depth articles on the Company itself and reporting on the latest innovative trends from the design studio , all form part of their activities .
16 Of course , this is only a guide — much of the merit is in doing the exercise itself and thinking about the points raised .
17 It 's got a bad stigma to it and that 's what 's the main problem with it , y'know , this junkie in a dirty squat with a needle hanging out of his arm and OD'ing and dealing on his doorstep and everything and looking like the pictures you see of people falling to bits , but for me personally it 's not like that , y'know , I do try to conduct a normal law-abiding life .
18 He was at a loss to describe the sky , its lilac whiteness , so ineffable above him that it was like a secret waiting to be deciphered , reflecting everything and seeping into the thin mist on the ground .
19 And er one of the men that was helping the old man to do something , to repair the the these tools you know , and he he 'd gone to the stores to get something and leaning over the counter to get something er er to sort of talk as one goes on a on a counter lean he was leaning a on the counter , and he erm the the the storeman he was a tough little beggar , and he said , I 've got a I 've got a I 've got a toothache .
20 Ruth blazed , limping after him and struggling with the cool-box .
21 " Regarde , Joseph , " said the French boy suddenly reining in his pony beside him and pointing to the far edge of the plain that they were crossing .
22 ‘ Look , ’ she said , thrusting the book at him and pointing at the entry .
23 ‘ Better than your eyesight , ’ said the old woman , standing next to him and looking at the grey in his hair .
24 Emily said , turning toward him and leaning over the arm of the chair .
25 When John returned from lunch — very punctually , just before half-past one — Ianthe found herself studying him and taking in the details of his appearance .
26 By your own admission , when you 're not quizzing him about everything , you 're confronting him and toying with the idea of hitting him .
27 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
28 She made no move to resist , she never could and he lifted his head , looking down at her in amusement , putting her carefully from him and turning to the door .
29 Blake felt people gathering around him and staring at the warehouse now transformed into a burning pyre .
30 She had bent to hug her daughter , relief pouring through her and mingling with the joy that always sang in her veins whenever she held her precious bundle in her arms .
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