Example sentences of "[pron] and [vb past] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Barth himself later said that he had been like a man who , tripping in the darkness of the church tower , had accidentally caught hold of the bell-rope to steady himself and alarmed the whole countryside .
2 He looked himself and saw a tall old woman coming towards them .
3 After the resignation of John St Luce as Finance Minister on Feb. 22 , the Prime Minister had taken on the Finance portfolio himself and presented the 1991 budget to Parliament on March 7 , giving only an outline of the proposals instead of a detailed budget speech .
4 Upon entering , he had braced himself and executed a formal salute .
5 Apparently Skipper landed , felt extremely pleased with himself and threw an enormous buck with a twist in it .
6 ‘ Apparently Skipper landed , felt extremely pleased with himself and threw an enormous buck with a twist in it .
7 In his speech , Charles praised my ‘ sterling contribution ’ to the school and shortly after it Paul came up to me and made the touching suggestion that I should give some classes in the summer term — if I was still free .
8 In any event he did a very professional job with me and took a great weight off Laura 's shoulders .
9 I palmed the credit cards into my jacket pocket so that Melanie did n't see me and rescued the still smoking joint from Carol 's fingers .
10 Toby had n't had time to try the ‘ exclusive ’ story on the dirty mac brigade and they clustered about me and shouted the usual obvious questions .
11 Now she stood beside me and watched the white Lincoln drive out of the boatyard .
12 I flew out to Chino , California , where the aircraft was based , Merril met me and flew an impressive display in the aircraft .
13 Then she looked back at me and smiled a brave , convalescent smile , not yet well , but on the mend , cured in spirit .
14 The Arab states , with the exception of Lebanon and possibly Egypt , might well have resettled the bulk of the refugees , had Israel accepted the principle of the right of return by receiving back about one-quarter of them and had the international community generously funded resettlement .
15 When they stepped out on to the track some twenty paces from him he only turned his head slowly to glance at them and made no other movement .
16 He commented on the smell of petrol that came from them and made an elaborate joke of not putting them too close to the flames .
17 Mr Steyn , who voted for Prime Suspect , said the jurors handed their votes to Miss Shubik , who checked them and announced a clear majority of four to three , though she did not say who had won .
18 He cut the last of them and followed the red thread back to its source .
19 He could have sat down with only one of them and achieved the same guidance on weight and machining capability , but three of them came to the meeting , which he thought typical of engineers .
20 but what she did , she sent the fax to them and ordered a hundred pairs .
21 Close by stood Fintan and Cermait Honeymouth and Tybion the Tusk , and Grainne looked at them and knew a deep and abiding affection for them .
22 This placated their fears that national insurance would replace and destroy them and provided a ready-made and cheap machinery of administration .
23 The wind passed over them and rustled the bare branches of the trees and they still stood .
24 As the tide rose , the wind shredded the clouds above them and pushed a mighty swell across the water , so that they began to roll as they had once rolled at sea .
25 Mr Malik walked swiftly over to them and aimed a shrewd blow at their ears .
26 Then he left them and joined a small local firm of advisers , contacted me again and recommended another insurance company — Scottish Amicable .
27 Families picked grapes , trod them and poured the new wine into storage jars .
28 I 've had mine done twice , mine done twice , mm , the police were up the other day lying in ambush , and I 'd spotted them and phoned the local police station and said there 's men lurking in the bushes of are they policemen ? , she said yes madam , they 're policemen .
29 These dates have now become a bone of contention in Hong Kong as rugby administrators in the British territory have belatedly realised — even though they are not admitting it — that the Japanese have outsmarted them and gained a precious advantage for the next World Cup .
30 When there was no further hope , Saga contacted you and offered the best alternative it could find at short notice and , as that was not acceptable , refunded your money in line with their contractual obligations to you .
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