Example sentences of "[pron] be [coord] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's where we are and this morning .
2 Now she was where we were and that office junior turned up she would have gone for there and I prob bet she will probably be quite
3 ‘ As there are but few persons who love to meditate upon scenes of death , and too many are only able to view the gloomy side of them , instead of following by the eye of faith the glorious progress of the departing saint , I will hasten to end of my story . ’
4 They are and any theory of species origins must explain why .
5 If they are and this kind of tragedy occurs then they must be punished for such behaviour . ’
6 I mean sexy little telephone calls between he who will be king and his , is she a mistress , is she a girlfriend , is she merely a friend , but at any event she 's married and her husband 's in the next bedroom as far as we can gather , you know erm do those kind of conversations and would , I mean maybe it 's important to sort of say and Anne probably has this , but Peter might not , I mean when I grew up the Royal Family were a cert sort of image and you might have known about George the Third who was mad , I mean who else was brought up George the Third was mad and Geor an and this guy was a , a drunk and this guy was a a womaniser , this guy was this , but Victoria you know mourned for sixty years or whatever it was , but this Royal Family , I E the , the Royal Family with which I grew up and Anne did were really sweet nice little Windsors who behaved themselves and that was what was , went into our psychic and there was the odd crack about Phil the Great who 's the Queen 's husband , you know and how he perhaps had an eye for the ladies , but there was never any photographs of him being or any evidence that it might have gone further than that particular and basically there was , that any , there was the fact that he was a sailor when he married the Queen anyway so all sailors are like that are n't they !
7 you insurance them centrally as it were and each resident has to pay part of the insurance cost ?
8 And I always remember , now whether this is true I would n't know , and I do n't think I 've ever spoke about this before but I , thinking about it just now , it 's just struck me , I remember one chap saying , Well now if we put some barbed wire across the road about two foot high , he said , No horse will jump over barbed wire , now I do n't know I do n't suppose that 's true I do n't think it is but this chap said that .
9 We have very little as it is and this plan will just wipe it out .
10 Catch weights , so do n't matters what it was but that man who was weighing them he got no brains , if one was overweight and go down , the next one got ta be underweight and he 'd take that off that and put it on that , he was so quick , wh that 's what he , he was a good checker , they were good men then
11 Cos I had an awful experience about ooh , four years ago , I had this old Moggy Morris Minor coming along very slowly north of Hull it was and this chap and his about finished work you know , so I going past this cri , there 's a cricket match going on and he was looking like , I could see and his girlfriend !
12 Although I can see the whole thing unrolling in my mind 's eye like a silent film , I ca n't really be precise about where everyone was and that sort of thing . ’
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