Example sentences of "[pron] be always [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am always at risk in the things I do for the Motherland , but idiots create the kind of additional risks one can not always allow for . ’
2 I 'm always with pain in the body .
3 ‘ As I 'm always on time for my breakfast show , I consider I 'm entitled to be late for everything else . ’
4 I 'm always in search of a bargain , sonny — for the people , you understand , ’ he added after yet another of those pauses that suggested it might have been an after-thought .
5 Simon and I were always in trouble because of the garden .
6 I was always on edge , eager to be further south .
7 ‘ I did n't have the slightest desire to see the restitution of my father 's property , ’ he added in that 1968 interview , and ‘ I was always in favour of socialism in the sense of nationalisation of major means of production . ’
8 " We were never well off , " said a retired miner from the Durham coalfield , " but I was always in employment and I would n't have liked my wife to work . "
9 Recently , however , it has been pointed out that mansi absi were often registered as owing dues , which were always in cash rather than labour services .
10 Not to mention our highly regarded free customer support service which is always on hand should you need advice or assistance .
11 Can you think if we have something meal facilities which has also been raised if then maybe the stage door club area could be used for something like light rehearsal space which is always in demand .
12 One or two people who are always worth hearing if you can bear with me .
13 Remember that you are always in control , and if there is anything which makes you at all anxious , all you have to do is open your eyes and it is all over .
14 ‘ Your good intentions do you credit , Victor — and yet you are always in flight ! ’
15 Gillian Mulcare is often very busy breeding Charolais sheep and growing vegetables , but despite this she is always on hand to assist her guests .
16 Among many enthusiastic comments quoted in the booklet which accompanies this disc there is only by Andrew Porter , who , having heard Alessandra Marc sing the title-role in Respighi 's La fiamma , wrote in The New Yorker : ‘ she is always worth hearing ; hers is perhaps the richest , fullest , most beautiful big soprano voice around ’ .
17 Pray for love for the fellow-missionary who is always at hand .
18 This intimate hotel is run by the hard working Mr. Folten who is always at hand to offer advice and information on how to get the most out of your short visit .
19 GROUP welfare officer , Sheila Redmond , who is always on hand to help and advise employees with all types of personal problems , announces an on-site breast screening programme .
20 ‘ Look , I am the sort of person who is always in demand — always !
21 It was suggested in the last chapter that analysis which tends to deal with the nature of modernity itself is always in danger of leading to assumptions concerning the superiority of certain ‘ advanced ’ peoples over others , which are in effect a version of primitivism .
22 ‘ I 'd only be about 6 or 7 , and she 'd always have the door open , she was always in bed , very old lady …
23 She was always in bed ( or in the room ) before Anton went .
24 The basis of this argument was that Olwyn 's behaviour meant she was always in conflict with her parents and seldom getting positive attention .
25 She never did ; she was always in control , it was one of the things she prided herself on .
26 What had happened , because his holidays coincided with mine , was that my father had become my mother as well as my father , in the sense that it was he and not she who was always at home .
27 Roger , who was always in charge of the music , bad decided the party was ready for nostalgia — the 60s by the sound of it — someone , Maggie could n't remember who , was singing a song called ‘ Hats off to Larry ’ .
28 Mr Aimetti — who studied economics at Turin , spent some years teaching maths , six years working in banking , a similar period at SKF ( the ballbearing manufacturer ) and joined Iveco in 1978 sums up their position as ‘ complete autonomy — but we are always under control ’ .
29 We are always in touch with the private homes .
30 We 're always on top of each other . ’
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