Example sentences of "[pron] be [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the unities of the present moment , there are unities over time .
2 I realise that there are constraints of time and problems with dissemination , but you would not expect your local GP to prescribe a drug unless he was satisfied that its use was justified by reference to the available research material .
3 Be that as it may , the judges assumed this duty in 1292 and there are dicta from time to time in the succeeding centuries that it is one they have no power to give up .
4 It is necessary to find out as precisely as possible how often it was committed , whether or not there were regional variations in its frequency , and if there were changes over time .
5 I realised there were periods of time when this pool is hardly used , so I approached the management and asked if I could bring parties of residents here from Conway House .
6 Whilst in general each supported the other , there were clashes from time to time , both sides accusing the other of reprehensible acts .
7 There 's loads of time . ’
8 There 's ages of time . ’
9 There 's heaps of time . ’
10 Likewise , there was unity of time in that each of their interests arose simultaneously and was expressed to endure for six months .
11 It 's way past time , ’ she thought aloud , ‘ you started thinking for yourself . ’
12 It 's curtain up time again , another opening of another show and the Smell of the Greasepaint and the roar of the crowd is as strong now as it ever was for the performers .
13 We also feel it is waste of time … when the whole system is set to change under local government re-organisation in two years ’ time anyway . ’
14 And by his career plan he should have been finished and out of here by now , instead of which he 's way over time on fixed-price job and his prospects of retirement at thirty-five are receding now even faster than they were before .
15 It was waste of time two of us going to see a man on
16 but it was waste of time because he , he , he did n't know , he was n't Clifford , well that 's what he said to me , it 's not Clifford you know
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