Example sentences of "[pron] the [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Northern Spain , then , which the steadily falling temperature tended to confirm .
2 Early of Ely and Family ’ ( 1771 ) in which the richly clad Earl , the Countess and their two musical daughters sway elegantly in front of an idealised Greek temple set in their newly designed gardens while a small African boy dressed in a combination of Turkish and Indian costume holds up the Earl 's diadem , curiously peering round the Countess to look up at his owner .
3 A request by opposition parties to allow a transitional period during which the newly formed parties could prepare for elections was refused on the grounds that the election dates were specified in the Constitution .
4 every anthropologist has experienced ‘ culture shock ’ ; a temporary inability to grasp and act and think in the terms of the assumptions upon which the newly entered culture is based .
5 He was quick to see the possibilities for travel which the newly invented railways presented , and he reacted speedily when the SS Great Britain ran aground in Dundrum Bay by organizing an excursion to view the stranded ship in 1847 .
6 the ways in which the newly established University of Ulster ( the first ‘ polyversity ’ ) has changed patterns of student study .
7 Although several European countries have legal controls on such activities , in the U.K. the law has not been extended in this way , though there may be legal remedies in some cases for those who believe they have been harmed by the use to which the surreptitiously collected information has been put : if , for example , unauthorised entry on to property has occurred , or if there has been breach of confidence or copyright , or if conspiracy to commit a crime , civil wrong , public mischief or some outrageously immoral act can be proved .
8 No one would have constructed them in the form they have if he had not known that at all costs he must , when it comes to experimental predictions , obtain those same results which the statistically interpreted Schrödinger equation seems to produce so economically and naturally .
9 This would lead to Russian reprisals , and sometimes to an escalation of conflict with which the sorely pressed garrisons in the wilderness were ill equipped to deal .
10 Many animals that do not inhabit the especially favoured areas all the time , none the less make use of them in the course of their lives .
11 None the less iron deficiency was proved in 63 of 111 patients ( serum iron <11 µmol/l with iron binding capacity >72% or ferritin <15 µg/l , or both ) .
12 The regulatory enforcement agent in routine cases adopts a compliance strategy which follows a serial pattern , a loosely structured but none the less organized process relying heavily upon negotiated conformity , with a gradual increase in pressure being applied to the unco-operative .
13 Although the many pages of Mayhew are positively crammed with evidence that the poor had created a culture of their own , he seems none the less to share Godwin 's view of art ‘ as a social bridge of no ordinary size and strength ’ .
14 Recognizing that in this instance her son would use any means to persuade her to change her mind , Elizabeth Woodville none the less gave thought to the suggestion .
15 But it 's all changed now , there the best paid people in the ruddy country .
16 He designed for others ( costumes for Diaghilev and embroidery for Schiaparelli ) , but he also ‘ designed ’ himself ; his unquenchable desire for fame and his talent for self-publicity made him the most photographed man in Paris .
17 Not for him the carefully charted route to the top .
18 The Danes had given him the appropriately named Order of the Elephant .
19 Over 80,000 are expected on the day , making it the best attended sporting event in Ulster .
20 On the other hand , its perceived opposite , peacefulness , carries with it the negatively valued connotations of being passive and inert ( qualities which furthermore are associated with females ) .
21 This cam is in turn pinned to the upper arm of the bell crank C. The resulting rotation of the crank about its fixed pivot causes the horizontal portion to rise and fall , lifting link member D and with it the vertically constrained rod member E. The needle carried in a collet at the lower end is thus made to oscillate vertically .
22 Almost 35 million Americans tuned in to the first , two-hour pilot , making it the most watched TV movie of the season .
23 He passes on the recipe , modified to suit himself , and carrying with it the characteristically deflating note :
24 Nothing particularly wrong with that but that does show where they are coming from when they are looking into being with as I call it the so called traffic problems of St Albans .
25 Is that what the best dressed gardener wears these days ? ’
26 A subject only able to see the single large letters at the top of the chart ( the 6/60 line ) would be able only to discriminate at 6m what the normally sighted person would see clearly at 60m .
27 Thus no matter what the biologically based aptitudes and capacities of an untouchable , there was no way they could become a Brahmin .
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