Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She would have liked them to go to his regimental museum and I still feel that would be one of the best homes for them .
2 Vaillancourt , a Canadian now living in California , had nothing to lose by his all-out effort , but would still have been beaten by George Lindemann if Larry , one of his two World Cup horses , had not hit the last fence .
3 ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ is a special time of prayer and sharing , of offering one 's suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who , by suffering , dying and rising , achieved the salvation of mankind .
4 In vain has Adrienne written asking for news from the North-East to be included in the last two issues : for we had nothing to report beyond our puny struggles against the mighty Aerobics phenomenon .
5 Meechai told reporters that so-called " sex tourists " were no longer welcome in Thailand , and warned them to remain in their own countries " and exploit their own women and children " .
6 " And he wants me to go with him this time — as his driver . "
7 Sister told me to wait outside her open duty-room door and watch all that was going on .
8 ‘ Would you expect me to remain after what that woman said of me ? ’
9 ‘ I put it to you , ’ some old goat would bleat from under his wig , ‘ that these scheming , unprincipled charlatans , stopping at nothing to come by their ill-gotten gains , forged the very hand of a peer of the realm in a dastardly conspiracy to frustrate the worthy efforts of their local benefactor . ’
10 In England older men could get contract work for hedging and ditching , maintaining public spaces , or minor building repairs , which allowed them to work at their own pace .
11 Speaking through his secretary , the Right Reverend Peter Ball says he would like everyone to know of his immense gratitude for their overwhelming support .
12 ‘ I went home and got on with my work expecting them to come for me any day or night . ’
13 I think perhaps we 'll ask them to come to our next meeting , or the meeting after that .
14 ‘ This will be an opportunity for them to come into their own but without having to do anything that might upset their families . ’
15 Enraged by the wine bar 's policy of forbidding them to stand with their male colleagues to drink at the bar , Hall and her cohorts decided to stage a protest .
16 Before long Gaveston was given the hitherto exclusively royal title of earl of Cornwall , an affront to the established councillors and nobility which he did nothing to palliate by his swaggering arrogance , especially at Edward 's coronation in which he played a leading role ; just as outrageous were the lands and revenues which went with titles , office and power .
17 But Henry II took into his own hands the county of Cornwall and all the Earl 's estates in England , Wales and Normandy and kept them to provide for his youngest son John , allowing only a small portion to go to Reginald 's daughters .
18 I made a great nuisance of myself and , in the end , they resorted to the traditional method of dealing with trouble-makers : they asked me to stand for my own ward at the next local government elections .
19 If they want someone to work on their own initiative , don ‘ t be afraid to tell them in your application that you can do that .
20 But she thought that she would have been glad of someone to talk about her new plans with , all the same .
21 Pay someone to look after her full-time ? ’
22 ‘ In other words , you do n't want me to behave in my usual bull-headed manner . ’
23 It also requires them to guard against their own tendencies towards myopia .
24 They had no land of their own , they had nothing to harvest of their own , they could only go and harvest , and glean what the harvesters left behind .
25 Through these activities the newly acquired language is transferred to the pupils ' own world and enables them to talk about their own experiences .
26 There she would lick them and give them her scent and then allow them to feed alongside her own kittens .
27 ‘ If there are riot police , ’ he says , ‘ then vigilantes will appear , because there will always be somebody to see to it that crime is never given a free rein . ’
28 This man , who told Huy that he only went to the place to drink , never having had a problem when it came to finding a girl , was looking urgently for somebody to work on his paperbeating team as one of his men had died suddenly from river fever .
29 When the Secretary of State could bring himself to talk about his own legislation , we heard from him in effect an admission that the Government who brought us the poll tax are now bringing us a new poll tax .
30 But which to choose from his marvellous output ?
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