Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] at [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This line of thinking , however , seems to me to miss at least one major point .
2 My solicitor told me to expect at least four years because of my previous convictions : I 've got deception , deception , fraud , grievous bodily harm , assault , malicious wounding , drugs , deception and then again deception .
3 Chapters can be quite long , and that means I need enough of a working memory in the computer gubbins itself to handle at least 6,000 words at a time .
4 There seemed to be plenty to eat , the French are masters at rustling up something to eat at very short notice .
5 At three in the morning she went forlornly to bed , promising herself to get at least one room painted tomorrow .
6 John 's gruelling daily schedule requires him to walk at least 15 miles every day carrying a 40lb rucksack to maintain an average 154 miles per week .
7 At many clubs it is compulsory for everyone to have at least one dual flight at the beginning of the season before flying solo again .
8 Although the computer industry enjoys getting into a tizzy about the ever-increasing number of processors , anyone buying a 386SX 18 months ago would have wanted it to last at least three years .
9 You will see that we intend sending a leaflet to each member with the summer edition of Rural Wales , with the plea that they use it to recruit at least one new member .
10 I , I says , I 'll let you know sometime today or tomorrow and er anyway , he was expecting me to say at least two or three or four weeks you know er because I 'd put the situation I had no tools , no nothing and erm I er had a look at it and I thought what I could do , and I says I can let you have them in a week .
11 In response , a growing body of clergy and laity , on both sides of the Atlantic , are committing themselves to dedicate at least one hour a day to prayer for the renewal and growth of the Church and for the transformation of society .
12 However , he also pointed out that the government 's policy of combining " actions of immediate relief with medium-term rehabilitation " was starting to show results , the distribution of seeds and tools to displaced people allowing them to produce at least some of their own food .
13 None of the theories proposed for the phenomenon is wholly satisfactory but there is evidence that requires us to accept at least some aspects of several of them .
14 Both national survey data and smaller in-depth studies now enable us to document at least some of the financial effects of care-giving on women , although we still know very little about the consequences for women who begin or continue to give care in their own old age , or about the experiences of Black women carers .
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