Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were big baskets of flowers everywhere and waitresses were giving everyone sparkly drinks and asking them to sit at long tables in the dining room .
2 " He has never asked me to go at this time of night before , " she whispered .
3 I thought it particularly nice of them to write at such length , as I had mistakenly called Roy Griffiths Mister !
4 For all her encouragement to them to come at any time to her house , Rose herself was wary of calling at Great Meadow .
5 Several times while I was at Magdalen he had me to dine at All Souls with its distinguished Fellows .
6 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
7 Furthermore most workers are understretched for much of their working lives and have spare capacity on which to call at later ages .
8 To pick once again examples relevant to awareness , philosophers have often argued on the assumption that since an observer can not be mistaken about what he sees or hears ( although he may mistakenly suppose that he has seen or heard it ) , or a thinker about what he knows , there must be infallible operations by which to arrive at this certainty .
9 Well that 's because , perhaps because , when they were young children people directed them in that kind of decision making , or look people directed them to look at those sorts of levels .
10 The question of hedgerows , maintaining natural areas of woodland , etc. leads me to look at another area which causes concern not just to the RSPCA but many other animal welfare groups .
11 Mr Forsyth added : ‘ I must ask you to look at this matter again with a view to finding a more suitable placement for this tenant in the light of the opposition expressed . ’
12 ‘ I 'd like you to look at these numbers . ’
13 So then this technique enables you to look at single channel currents , and moreover , if you 've got a partially er purified preparation of endomembranes it enable to look at channels in endomembranes too .
14 You 're beginning to sound like a mother hen ; I half expect you to cluck at any minute . ’
15 Tickets are valid all day enabling you to alight at one attraction before re-boarding a later bus and heading to another .
16 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
17 It 's unusual for anybody to ring at that time .
18 I wondered if it would er be appropriate for me to respond at this juncture ?
19 The following May I called him , got through his secretary by saying Mr. Jones asked me to call at this office , which was more or less true , erm , so I got through to him , and said , my name is Ricky Elliot , we met at the N E C , you asked me to give you a call this month about time management training .
20 He has stayed to deal with them , but still believes God means him to go at some point .
21 They went about their business , expecting him to appear at any moment .
22 Erm in fact life requires everybody to behave at both ends .
23 The therapist tried to get her to look at such situations from her parents ' viewpoint .
24 Krabbe , who is waiting to see whether officials will allow her to run at this year 's Barcelona Olympics , will run over 100 metres in regional championships , meeting organiser Ulrich Krueger said today .
25 The empty pot was heavy and Asik found it very difficult to walk without carrying anything , but the pot made it almost impossible for him to move at any speed .
26 ‘ I do n't like this conversation , if you do n't mind , ’ Jenna said primly , wanting him to stop at all costs .
27 And I had to ask a lad stood at front , I said can you ask him to stop at this stop please .
28 Secondment is an opportunity for them to learn at first hand about the world of work to which their students are aspiring .
29 And , although this huge deficit is in large measure a consequence of the fall in tax revenue and the cost of unemployment in the recession , the IFS expect it to remain at this level for some years even if a gradual recovery does take place .
30 A UK company has a US parent , which often instructs it to look at possible acquisitions around the world .
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