Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] the most [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No I just did it for a laugh cos I want , I want everyone to know the most interesting language in the world which is part of my language is n't it ?
2 At present I require assistance to help me to choose the most suitable occupation .
3 ‘ Trust me to pick the most expensive . ’
4 Apple , pear , plum , peach and cherry trees for gardens are grown on a variety of rootstocks , and familiarity with these will help you to choose the most appropriate tree for your site .
5 The sum of these two numbers together will allow you to choose the most important and characteristic symptoms of the case which should be used for the next step .
6 Carolivia Herron 's alternating chorus of dark , poetic voices compels you to hear the most intimate and forbidden secrets of incest in a well-off black family .
7 We urge you to ensure the most stringent environmental assessment procedures are followed before any irreversible damage is done .
8 Attending the conference will enable you to make the most effective tax decisions for your company and clients , optimising their international tax position and competitive advantage .
9 When I come to write them out , the review is planned around them to incorporate the most effective .
10 With no one to share the most special moments of your life with .
11 Well I suppose it because , as I told you , those four routes were always treated as a separate entity because they were on , there were possible chances of marrying those routes together to get them to run the most economical way .
12 These enable him to create the most spectacular shapes with biplane ‘ crowns ’ and tetrahedrals .
13 ‘ I asked him to play the most tortured , painful lead possible — the most horrible thing he could come up with ! ’ laughs Matthew .
14 They were excused few , if any , tasks , Hannah may appear to be a frail pensioner but a lifetime 's exposure to the hard labour of rural life enables her to endure the most extreme elements far better than urban-reared people half her age .
15 So on Saturday , Party Politics , dwarfing his 39 opponents , set off in new colours with new jockey Carl Llewellyn to see how many strides it would take him to cover the most famous four and a half miles in sport .
16 The London official 's slave-ish adherence to the letter of the rule book led him to supply the most ludicrous caution of the season .
17 In the hope of getting a fair deal , you should press him to undertake the most careful inquiry into the facts .
18 If in doubt , an interview with an officer from the local social security office would help her to make the most advantageous decision .
19 The policy-orientation of the research should enable it to identify the most productive approaches to equality .
20 In addition , the hospital will rely on a high-wind turbine to provide around a fifth of its power ; it will be enveloped in a plastic membrane to prevent heat loss ; a computer programme will enable it to make the most efficient use of power from various sources ( gas , oil , electricity , wind ) depending on fluctuations in cost and availability ; and heat exchangers and an on-site incinerator will recycle heat .
21 If , for whatever reason , you do find that you have a problem with your borrowing , it will be for your benefit and ours to establish the most appropriate way of resolving it .
22 On the other hand , there are those who are hopelessly compromised who believe that the only means by which we can achieve successful conservation is by bringing on board local people , and working together with them to achieve the most harmonious interaction between humans and wildlife .
23 As this indicates , most are somewhat one-sided and limited in scope , and we need to move towards a synthesis which can enable us to grasp the most significant relationships and processes involved in the local politics of an increasingly diversified , and ‘ restructured ’ , Britain .
24 Alan added : ‘ While our senior managers have combined experience of over 100 years they are aged 40 and under , thus enabling us to offer the most up-to-date knowledge of shipping and air freight requirements .
25 LEFT Radiotelescopy has allowed us to examine the most remote areas of the Universe and determine the details of celestial object that are so distant that they are invisible to optical telescopes .
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