Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] not [be] show " in BNC.

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1 They reckon investors and customers might worry needlessly about a firm 's balance sheet if , say , asset values plunged while liabilities , which will not be shown at current values , were unchanged .
2 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the person to whom it is applied .
3 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the colour , race , nationality or ethnic origins of the person to whom it is applied .
4 However we will not be showing it at Grosvenor House : it will remain in the greater grandeur of one of our new galleries in Bond Street .
5 Sometimes , as in the case of a foreign or inter-state trip , the youngster may just not be old enough or experienced enough to cope , but at other times they may not be showing enough sense of responsibility to be safely granted privileges .
6 The problems of life-histories and oral history are fairly self-evident : they can not be shown to be representative or valid .
7 This leaves us to assume that the beneficiary ought to pay in the event that ( iii ) it could not be shown that the testator , had he known the land was pledged , would have left something else or ( iv ) the testator did not know the land was pledged .
8 However , deficiencies in the ability of the study to accurately record information on the cause of death meant that it could not be shown whether or not the reduction in mortality had been due to a reduction in diarrhoea-related deaths and hence due to the programme .
9 To recapitulate briefly , it need not be shown that the person fighting intended to put bystanders ( if there are any ) in fear by what he does .
10 I also operate with the assumption that , although my results pertain strictly only to the sample of forty housewives I interviewed , there is no reason why they should not relate to the wider population of housewives , since it can not be shown that the forty women are unrepresentative of the larger population .
11 But feeling does not evaporate : if it can not be shown in one form it finds an outlet in another .
12 Strictly speaking , it can not be shown that a behaviour pattern develops independently of experience ; only specific , identified factors may be ruled out .
13 If it can not be shown that the person uttering the remarks intended to induce his victim to believe that he was about to engage in violence himself , or intended to provoke the object of his remarks into using unlawful violence , what will be termed here the objective conditions come into operation .
14 It is also , perhaps , not without significance that Fahreddin Acemi is the first to be mentioned as receiving a salary specifically in respect of his function as Mufti , though it can not be shown beyond doubt that he was actually the first to have done so .
15 Though Offa granted land to Woking in Surrey ( CS 275 : S 144 ) , he can not be shown to have had influence here before 784–5 .
16 And we shall not claim as experience of the Spirit what can not be shown to flow from Jesus .
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