Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] well [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , this chapter also includes full-scale models of monsters and other odd creatures ; at the level of design there is often no difference at all , though there may well be when it comes to turning design into physical form .
2 There may well be because of that .
3 It may well be that his nocturnal anxieties began on hearing the nightly ministrations by which his father was nursed — to a young boy , eerie and mysterious , doubtless at times frenetic ; no doubt they were exacerbated after his death , as sorrow and loss impinged .
4 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
5 So , despite his presentation of sceptical arguments against knowledge of the nature of things , Gassendi does , nevertheless , hint that ‘ it may well be that the basis for knowledge does exist ’ ; even though this will be ‘ a knowledge of experience and , I may say , of appearances ’ .
6 An interpretation I have often heard is that God 's ways are mysterious and wonderful , and it may well be that in the very last moments of the person 's life they had an encounter with God that set them on the path to eternal life .
7 It may well be that some accountant has shown the society a loophole through which it can escape the obligations laid upon it at its foundation in 1914 .
8 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
9 It may well be that it is the first of these , his work in children 's theatre , for which he will be most remembered , for he revolutionised the whole conception of what forms theatre for children might take .
10 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
11 It may well be that the smaller powers benefit first from the new defensive technologies .
12 It may well be that in some metropolitan areas Labour is suffering the kind of adverse voter reaction noted in the London boroughs , but the issue of the poll tax appears itself to have had very little substantive impact on the differences in electoral behaviour between authorities .
13 It may well be that a fairer test must await an examination of the poll tax over an entire electoral cycle .
14 For it may well be that in America , it is all part of what is considered good professional service that an employee provide entertaining banter .
15 If a patient returns after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy and is still found to be harbouring the ubiquitous pus cell in the urethra , then it may well be that he has reinfected himself from his , as yet untreated , sexual partner .
16 It may well be that this reduction in severity of symptoms has brought the symptoms of NSU much closer to those of gonorrhoea and thereby exaggerated their importance .
17 It may well be that the main cross-talk between cells involves specifying position .
18 With our new spirit of centralization , both as an interim in the matter of teachers ' pay and conditions , and in that of the curriculum , and the more general removal of powers from Local Authorities , it may well be that we are imperceptibly going down the French road .
19 It may well be that the rate will slip further with so many children failing to receive regular schooling .
20 It may well be that many local-authority accountants have no detailed working knowledge of school-based financial-management systems — to give them a very grand title for their current state of development .
21 It may well be that a particular piece of research needs to focus on selected people for information , and the information gained from them will be fitted together into a coherent and consistent pattern with virtually no percentages and significance tests at all .
22 ‘ Tradition dies hard and it may well be that many zealous companions will go on quoting Syriac and Egyptian and perpetuating this extraordinary jumble of explanations , ’ wrote Canon Richard Tydeman , Grand Superintendent over the Suffolk province of Freemasonry , in 1985 .
23 It may well be that the ‘ ideal-type ’ , far from being ideally typical , actually represents very abnormal and atypical political conditions .
24 That could have been done anyway if the disposition were in a will , but it may well be that it is in a codicil or other document to which the nuncupatio did not apply .
25 They came to the conclusion that trusts offered a significant advantage only in their Republican days ; in that period it may well be that peregrines and other disadvantaged classes made good use of them .
26 It may well be that many apparently successful partnerships continue only because one party or the other does not trouble to examine the benefit they derive or the price they pay .
27 UNDER the improbable aegis of Ronald Reagan , who has never found occasion to say much good or bad about science during his long public career , it may well be that the American scientific community is headed for an economic boom .
28 It was some time after the construction of the capital 's tramway system , and it may well be that the true origins of the tale lay in a superstitious dread of this foreign technology .
29 It may well be that the sons of barons and knights jostled with Sceva and Ollo in the markets of the twelfth century ; and it is likely enough that there were more rich men 's sons than poor men 's sons wearing the alderman 's robes .
30 On the other hand it may well be that you plan to reset the nets somewhere else and net again that same night .
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