Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I think so I must admit from one point of view I 'm quite glad that I have n't passed cos
2 I must pop round one evening next week .
3 Perhaps I should start with one of the most colourful characters that we ever had in the Pathfinder Force — unhappily now dead — Tommy Blair of No 83 Squadron .
4 ‘ Perhaps I should go with one of the ladies , ’ he said .
5 ‘ You reckon I should put on one of Hilbert 's suits , do you ? ’
6 Erm I 'll talk about one of the later models , which was Gibson 's , E Gibson as opposed to J J , which again was concerned with letters and whether or not we construct letters by recognising features from them .
7 I 'll start with one of the survivors , William Porteous of Royal Exchange Place off Buchanan Street .
8 so I 'll go times one nought nought equals sixty four point two .
9 I 'll stick to one .
10 And er th so er if I 'm interested in er George Bush 's illness , you know , and that 's one O four I 'll put in one O four and then that will come up on the screen .
11 I 'll wait till one or two people are here before I start .
12 It 's against you seated and I 'll sell at one hundred and eighty pounds , one ninety two hundred standing at two hundred now , against you seated , are you all done at two hundred pounds ? six six , thank you .
13 Standing at the back , one thirty and I 'll sell at one hundred and thirty pounds .
14 One thousand three on my right standing and I 'll sell at one thousand three hundred pounds .
15 One thousand pounds , standing at the back then at one thousand pounds , against you seated and I 'll sell at one thousand , any more at one thousand pounds ? thank you .
16 Eight hundred eight fifty nine hundred nine fifty one thousand one thousand pounds standing now on my right , any more at a thousand pounds , are you all done , it 's up there and I 'll sell at one thousand pounds .
17 At one thousand four hundred on my right and I 'll sell at one thousand four hundred pounds .
18 One eighty and I 'll sell at one hundred and eighty pounds .
19 ‘ Oh , I expect I 'll volunteer for one of the leads , ’ he said , leaning back and crossing his long brown legs nonchalantly .
20 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
21 And it just so happens that I mentioned to one of my doormen that particular night that I could do with one of those machines to keep a careful check on my blood pressure .
22 I could do with one of those .
23 Earning money is becoming a priority I 'm trying to sit on — I could do with one big hit , though ! ’
24 I could do with one myself . ’
25 I could do with one of those in my life . ’
26 I could do with one or two .
27 Oh I could do with one of them !
28 ‘ Oh , ’ Athelstan added , ‘ is it possible that I could speak to one of the laundresses ? ’
29 I do n't like bull fights , erm I do n't think I , I could cope with one of them
30 I could have at one stage recited to you every discharge from [ the estuary upstream for fifty miles ] on the north bank of the river , in order .
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