Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] given [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 And now I 've given way to my emotions when I swore to my father I never would .
2 If the choreographer is attempting to draw and communicate a moving picture of the individual character and physical attributes which permanently affect the manner of acting , feeling and thinking of their hero , heroine and entire cast , then they must study not only the general outline and background of their chosen story or theme , but also the beliefs , ways of life and traditions which have given life to the people and tales of different countries .
3 The first-year American Studies unit introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of the United States and provides an overview of some of the major ideological and cultural issues which have given shape to the nation in the 20th century .
4 Both involve the identification of a previously existing , now largely defunct , set of moral imperatives which have given way to a new order in which control , particularly of sexual conduct , has diminished .
5 For example , without wishing to go into the debate about the Bishop of Durham s well-known views — and I want to say here that on the resurrection and virgin birth I take the traditional teaching of the Church — I am concerned when speakers are ignorant of some of the critical insights which have given rise to the Bishop 's well thought-out views .
6 Many churchmen , however , have not been happy with these developments , which have given rise to schisms threatening enough to warrant the Pope 's visit .
7 Its contents are classified into chapters on spelling and pronunciation , locative names ( from English , French and other continental languages ) , surnames of relationship , those from native and other personal names , from offices held or occupations followed , compound names and nicknames of all kinds , oaths , colloquial expressions and phrases which have given rise to family names .
8 In this paper I will attempt to outline some of the factors which have given rise to a social division between ‘ incomers ’ and the native population in Dunrossness during the first phase ( 1971–79 ) of the so-called ‘ oil era ’ in Shetland .
9 Christopher Napier and Christopher Noke take arguments over share premiums , share premium accounts , merger accounting and pre-acquisition profits as an example of the issues which have given rise to controversy .
10 It is often , at least initially , a response to social distress , and in turn , this indicates that counselling responses to problems of excessive drinking should not concentrate on the drinking alone , which can be regarded as a symptom , but on the deeper underlying social and emotional causes which have given rise to it .
11 The growth of international trade during the long post-war boom and the internationalization of production which have given rise to the new international division of labour occurred under a system where exchange rates were stable over long periods of time , and international finance was dominated by the US dollar , the US economy and Washington 's policies .
12 In conclusion , we believe that our study avoided the methodological and analytical problems of previous reports , which have given rise to a great deal of controversy over the efficacy of EFA supplementation in AD .
13 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
14 If you 've given thought to them and excluded them , that 's fine as long as you 've made it clear .
15 Parents who succeed in adopting a child are likely to take the whole matter of their upbringing even more seriously and conscientiously than many who have given birth to their children .
16 All who have given thought to the matter agree that an apparatus as complex as the human eye could not possibly come into existence through single-step selection .
17 Does the Secretary of State intend to thank those who have given service to Queen and country by making them not only jobless , but homeless ?
18 We 've given money to organisations like the RSPB , Greenpeace , the Woodland Trust and Working Weekends on Organic Farms . ’
19 We have given asylum to political refugees over many centuries : the Huguenots , the Jews from eastern Europe and Russia at the turn of the century , continental Europeans during the last war — including my father — and many others .
20 We have given advice to Departments on drawing up environmental housekeeping strategies for themselves — another first which every Department must complete by the end of 1992 .
21 Why is it that we can look at organizations which we ourselves have worked in for most of our lives , where we have complained bitterly , where over drinks with our colleagues or at the Christmas pantomime or some other time we have given vent to our irritation at these bad organizational and behavioural characteristics ; and yet when we reach high positions in companies we consider them to be something which is beyond our capability to influence ?
22 The programs in them have given rise to the myth that she was the world 's first programmer , but all the mathematical work in the notes was actually carried out by Babbage .
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