Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] on the other " in BNC.

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1 Erm but I mean on the other hand if you start trying to develop your criteria , and I 'd go out and look at Botton Village and look at the Richmond Fellowship or something ,
2 But there were some like me I suppose on the other side .
3 I turn on the other light on my side of the carriage .
4 That , that 's a rational law , okay , it 's nothing to do with a taboo , there 's not some strange supernatural principle which says , in Savoy Street you drive on the other side , and if you do n't you 'll be struck down with a fever or ill luck or something like that .
5 That 'll be in the new , in the red line and you go on the other stuff .
6 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
7 Right well it may be of course you see on the other hand the accountancy takes three years .
8 In Spain we drive on the other side . ’
9 We have er six people taking telephone calls from members of the public , er these are enquiries about the latest in the Gulf er , the relatives in the Gulf , and then we have on the other side of the room , we have people who are handing out information that we have received to their relatives in this country .
10 that talk about the company of which I 'm chairman is that there is a personnel and compensation committee which in the absence of a chief executive sets the chief executive 's remuneration and with the presence of the chief executive , although he 's not , I 'm not a member of that committee we work on the other senior executives of the company , it 's quite similar to the process used here in your company .
11 They pop up and over it , and when they land on the other side and they slow down a bit .
12 As a result of all this they realised that to complete the measurements on the range of electrodes and to see how they depend on the other experimental conditions would take nearly three years .
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