Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [to-vb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 I intend to return it to its rightful owner , ’ she said grittily .
2 ‘ That is my assessment of the case , Madame , as I intend to report it to my commandant . ’
3 I intend to introduce him to the Führer at that meeting , General .
4 I mean you are , you know , you are now I hate to te I hate to break it to you but you are .
5 I want to give it to Angela to put away now so I know my money 's put a way .
6 ‘ I 've done some nursing and I want to put it to good use , ’ she added .
7 There are of course some positive signs around but also a danger that I want to alert you to : a growth in what I will call ‘ designer caring ’ .
8 My youngest child is being bullied at school and I want to send her to St Saviour 's .
9 I want to kiss you like a butterfly on mescaline , all over in a flurry of delirium , I want to bite you to the bones , to be so close to you there materialises a planet called us .
10 The doctor looked carefully at her fingernails and neck , then said abruptly , ‘ I want to admit you to the Royal .
11 Although I 've talked about some of them before there is such a feeling in fashion for double jacquard that I want to suggest them to you again .
12 The first theologian I want to introduce you to now is a second-century Christian called Irenaeus .
13 I want to help them to enlightened self-expression , and to develop their imaginations — to rid themselves of repressions through self-expression .
14 Next year I hope to make it to Czechoslovakia ’ .
15 ‘ And , being the modern-day equivalent of Casanova , I decide to add you to this impressive circle of conquests ? ’
16 But some of my structure is unique to me , my history for example , and no one else can know much of this unless I choose to relate it to them .
17 If I have any further requests , I prefer to make them to him personally .
18 and there was one week that Pat came , because I used to get the meat off of the van by the gate then , and I do n't know what it was this week , but I bought the meat ready minced and when I come to give it to you , I knew there 'd be complaints , I do n't know what we were having
19 I 've to get you to the airport once you 've changed .
20 And my Lord a short part I wish to refer you to and that is on page a hundred and seventy nine which is er the section when the judge was dealing with er the law of duty and the judge Mr Justice said during the trial I express some concern to what evidence has been called it is not necessary to refer to lawyers professional liability by .
21 My Lord there is a final part of our submission on on this is because I do n't know whether your Lordship has a copy of the report this is the report of the fact that My Lord erm what I wish to refer you to if I may , is erm that paragraph three one of the report which is erm that solicitors and er he instructed himself er from the law society who told him that the law society in paragraph three page five , do n't issue any specific directional guidance duty of care in relation to the plaintiffs transaction , the Law Society view obligation to be have to be considered on the basis of and he then goes on from there to depart from that approach to speculate as to what his approach would be erm
22 To that end , I have selected a Gestapo man I wish to accompany you to Lisbon as your bodyguard . ’
23 I have to put him to bed .
24 Based on that I have to give it to Mel cos he could also bend the ball around the wall to score — I never saw Lorimer do that ( he did nt have to ! ) .
25 He is n't here , so I have to take you to the hotel myself .
26 I have to return it to Mrs Phelps ! ’
27 I have to hand it to myself , I really do .
28 I have to hand it to you , ’ he said grimly , ‘ you lose one lover and waste no time in replacing him .
29 I have to hand it to you , Fran , you have a lot of nerve ! ’
30 I have to hand it to you
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