Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [prep] him in " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
2 I ca n't see him physically but I meet with him in dreams .
3 I notice I refer to him in the past tense .
4 But of course I think about him in a much different way as the years go by , and now I always smile when I think of him , because he made me laugh .
5 ( I think of him in some tropical Valhalla , rejoined with Arsenio .
6 who was at Cambuslang at that time , commented " He seems hurt at being asked to preach as a candidate and I sympathize with him in this , as I think candidating and preaching contests are the most objectional things conceivable , and also the least satisfactory way possible of getting good ministers as a rule good men who have done their work well will not preach as candidates for myself I never in my life either preached as a candidate , offered for a parish or got a certificate . "
7 On behalf of the Opposition , I join with him in extending sympathy to the families whose lives were shattered last Friday by the IRA 's vicious murder campaign .
8 It teaches you remain in him In other words remain in his word and let it remain in you .
9 This fellow Simon , you read about him in a few verses earlier , he was a , he was a magician , a so , er a sorcerer , he was the , the wi the witch doctor if you like , if he was in i i in an African situation , there he was , he was the medicine man of the town , of the area and he too believed and was converted , he was baptized , and he was amazed at the miracles that he 'd seen being performed by Philip through the power of God .
10 You did not choose me , I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit , the kind of fruit that endures and the Father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name .
11 ‘ And now you live with him in the country , ’ said Holmes .
12 And then they come for him , and then , you come for him in your car
13 Father ’ , it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our Spirit that we are children of God , and if children then heirs , heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ , provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him' ( Rom. 8:15ff ) .
14 Prayer becomes a constant relating to God throughout our daily lives , as we depend on him in trust and love .
15 Were he to defend himself , no doubt he would surprise us all , but the overriding impression we get of him in retrospect is that he had fallen all too readily into the role of the squire 's man , the vicar 's buddy , the stern schoolmaster .
16 We talk to him in his language and we have tried to lift as much of the experience from his mind as we can so that it does n't fester , get covered over , then burst out in 10 years time and turn him into a disturbed child .
17 They cluster around him in a dense shoal and follow him as he moves about .
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