Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I jut hope to god Fashanu and John Scales sought themselves out .
2 Anyway that , that I mean lack of experience , lack of knowledge and , put that down to , probably but that 's just another story .
3 Famine , the Army , I mean lack of rain and all that sort of thing .
4 erm you know kind of er call that a first draft and then sort , you know , sort of try and sort of go through the books again and stick a few references in to back up the points you 've made so you can see it relates to other people 's evidence erm trying to go through it again and knock out the well you know what I mean kind of statements and , and , you know , you can gradually sort of make the er grad you know sort of but again it 's , it 's , it 's one of these processes that I find , you know , you need to go through again and again and again to sort of get it er get it together erm so erm
5 I mean majority of blokes at Dave 's firm have changed their cars three times .
6 But what I ca n't understand , I mean majority of people I mean erm you 've got ta pay the debt in the end whatever .
7 But I mean stuff like memos small memos and things like that by the time I 've sat and written it out I could 've put it straight onto a word processor myself and got it typed .
8 I also I mean Sun to Silicon Graphics , sometimes you need to make s see what the compiler option is in fact .
9 Support , and the list , I mean problem with line twenty three , reputation is involved .
10 Ah bu it 's , I mean thing about WordPerfect
11 Because wh when , when we were looking at , at , at the I mean sort of things the implication to me seemed to be that , that this in itself is a successful policy , rent reduction , interest rate reduction methods improving er productivity , increasing input , in themselves are satisfying the demands of the peasantry and you would not need to go beyond that , I mean well did n't need to , he is n't the ideal , but he did n't need to go and he , he was doing very well out of it .
12 the same you know with me , but I mean end of day you 've got it to do
13 I combine mace with bay , especially for seasoning pork or oily fish , such as herrings .
14 ‘ I thought maybe I go to a party , ’ he explains , ‘ so I bring bottle from aeroplane .
15 It must have crossed your imagination before that I make love to women .
16 I hate liqueur in wine , ’ she said .
17 I associate murder with violence .
18 I expect news from Rivera within two days at the outside .
19 I say dance with mum .
20 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
21 I want sand for babies to play on , ’ stated Klynton , while Henry admitted , ‘ I do n't like big boys climbing up the slide . ’
22 I want success for Chelsea more than anything and we need to win another major trophy . ’
23 Yeah I want money for Andrew 's trainers .
24 Erm er it 's er it 's obviously annoying for me personally , er but the worst thing about it is that it can be done at the drop of a hat , you say , I want information on X. and they say , Yes we can provide .
25 I 'm sure if ever the occasion arises when I want advice on insurance , you 're the first person I 'll come to . ’
26 Oh I want card for run and I bet I ca n't bloody do owt with this lot .
27 ‘ So then I grab hold of Christine and drag her out .
28 I 'm afraid my intentions do n't always match my actions , but I assure you I do think of you far , far more than I put pen to paper !
29 However , a month later as I put pen to paper to record the events it all seems very clear ( but no less stupid ! ) .
30 She says I put dog in coal house , I could n't believe it could I ?
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