Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 I mean even at the risk of probably er the other suppliers making a bit more than us if it means that .
2 Er but I mean basically at the end of the day , I mean you have to think about to what extent you can increase your sales .
3 I groan inwardly at the prospect of a night playing Happy Families with a bunch of desk-jockeys and number-crunchers .
4 I look carefully at the dead fly still gracefully adorning the corner of the screen .
5 As I look around at the happy faces it is difficult to realise that the German Army is only a few miles away across the River Seine where they are defending Le Havre .
6 I look around at the milling people , imagining we 'll be split up into smaller groups and led through the blank doors to sit in armchairs and watch a TV set on some kind of plinth .
7 Especially when I look around at the bug-eyed gawkers staring , almost hypnotised , at the images .
8 I look over at the changing room .
9 I look over at the posters on the wall .
10 It 's as if he still lives there , so when I go past I look up at the window I 'd put him in .
11 I look up at the windows .
12 I look back at the old woman , marvelling at Enid and Philip for finding her interesting enough to talk about .
13 I look back at the door .
14 He was a ‘ chest case ’ for years and when I look back at the photographs of him he 's always trying to look normal but actually his face is pained from trying to breathe .
15 When I look back at the photographs I think And even when it was long I had , there was one hairdresser there called Paul , whom I 'd go and see regularly .
16 I look down at the map of the estate .
17 No doubt about it , I 'm not a badlooking guy when I hang out at the Shakespeare .
18 I glance in at the ASI — still reading 150 — then throw my heavy helmeted head back to see the white skyline creeping forward along the canopy .
19 Sometimes in the Cauldhame Arms I stand up at the urinal , but most if it ends up running down my hands or legs .
20 it would normally , if I recall correctly at the time , there would normally been a memorandum listing new charges for each development
21 I set out at the time the details of the areas where we would see new and better facilities reopening , and those better facilities have reopened .
22 The only person that I know about at the playhouse is Gordon .
23 I stare again at the saddlebag , feeling sick .
24 I stare glumly at the coinbox .
25 And it was one of the critici criticisms that came out of the er I think it was one of the annual general meetings non-executive directors in there to oversee er basically as another control against Mister himself I suppose really at the end of the day .
26 I smile encouragingly at the hulk who has his twelvebore pressed against my breast .
27 Erm I 'm attending this Doctor , I go back at the end of the .
28 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
29 mm , I think maybe at the start though when I said do you have a beautiful body , maybe I asked the wrong questions , let me ask you this question at the end , do you like your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no , and maybe we 'll get a different answer then , eighty five people said no they did n't have a beautiful body , but fifty six people here say yes they like their body , forty four is too many people who do n't , why not ? , who said no ? , why , why do n't you ? , yes
30 But erm I think really at the end of the day staff have only really had just that one day workshop ,
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