Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Girouard in The Return to Camelot pointed out that the chivalric code of conduct ‘ never recovered from the Great War partly because the War itself was such a shattering of illusions , partly because it helped to produce a world in which the necessary conditions for chivalry were increasingly absent ’ and that the absence of so many men at the Front ‘ had put women in a position of responsibility which made many of them distrust chivalry as a form of concealed slavery ’ .
2 You 'd be surprised , some of them make bookings with the beautician and hairdresser even before they come on board . ’
3 I change 15% of the water weekly and syphon the substrate once a fortnight .
4 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : I change part of the water in the rearing tank about once every other day with water of the same quality and temperature .
5 At the moment I change part of the water and rinse out the foam insert in the filter about every ten days , but I also feed the fish daily , so cleaning is necessary .
6 Essential meaning I introduce Gerry to a few friendly drinks .
7 Allow myself to be spirited off to Germany where I assassinate Hitler at the first opportunity ? ’
8 ‘ When I deny things in an existence out of the mind , I do not mean my own mind in particular , but all minds .
9 I mean feelings on the matter .
10 Does that I mean work by a from now on .
11 And I mean it is your sort of second home , and the guys that you work with every every week , I mean sort of become , I mean it 's a bit of a cliche to say , but I mean part of a family that you living out there that you live with out there and it is a real I mean when you think of the number that was lost , I mean there were a lot of close friends involved in it .
12 And I mean part of the point of doing the training of course is to get the hang of how to handle that .
13 but it would just wear off they 'd think well you know it 's not such a big thing now , I mean it 's not , I mean part of the fun is the risk for a lot of people .
14 I do not mean being reactionary , simply going back to a past state of affairs , I mean reaction as the antithesis of action .
15 The other three are subject to severe cultural condemnation and can be said to represent the non-Chewong person , by which I mean people outside the wider social universe of humans and superhumans , in effect Malays and Chinese .
16 I eat breakfast in a hall full of silent women .
17 I lose track of the time . ’
18 I lose count of the fatalities .
19 I lose count of the lengths ; she 's at it for almost an hour , with her mind as empty as she can make it .
20 Rather than mix grass and flower seed before sowing , I raise seedlings of the flowering plants in trays .
21 ‘ My lord , I bring word from the march by Montgomery .
22 I bring greetings from a distant star , ’ said Chico Nixon .
23 I remain Chairman of a large company , Harrison and Crosfield , Chairman of the Dover Harbour Board , which is also looking towards privatisation , and I 've got a number of charities I 'm involved in .
24 I sit disconsolate in the snow .
25 I make allowances for the fact that the hon. Gentleman clearly prepared his supplementary before the news was announced .
26 and again : " when I make use of the word people , I do not mean the vulgar or mixed multitude " .
27 I do n't want to see that happen , I trust members of the house do n't wish to see it happen .
28 I hate paperwork as a general rule , but as it 's for the good of the villagers , I 'll sort it out for you .
29 Course I do get the Woman and the Woman 's Own plus I swap Options for the Cosmopolitan off our Joy .
30 I say talk of the devil , I was just say Mrs thought you and her were gon na get together .
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