Example sentences of "[pron] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 nothing recommended with Goodey in that particular cause is of any good .
2 The three of them dissolved into laughter at the idea of it , and Ianthe went to make some more coffee .
3 At her approach he rose composedly and , with all the aplomb of someone trained from birth to deal with parish callers , said , ‘ You 'll want to see mama .
4 This was the reason for the comments in Evans , but there was nothing said in Evans against making a second order on a later occasion which would take the total above 240 hours when added to the original order , but would not do so when added to the hours yet to be worked under it .
5 Watkins found them sited at intervals along a ley and often at the crossing of two leys .
6 For nothing done by Hitler in the external sphere during Eden 's time at the Foreign Office aroused any public reaction remotely comparable to that which engulfed Hoare over Abyssinia .
7 Bored stiff by him , I paid little attention : he retaliated by having me birched for idleness on three occasions , but these attempts to drive Latin into me from the wrong end proved equally unproductive .
8 He had had similar , though slighter , worries at Bec , not least during his first year as abbot , when he found himself immersed in lawsuits against those who claimed lands and tithes belonging to Bec for which no title deeds could be found .
9 Prince Adelchis had become a client or patrician at the court of Constantinople ; this left Charles free to have himself proclaimed as king in Italy .
10 For instance , a computer can search he words of titles and print out all items containing the relevant key terms , but if an astronomer asks for anything to do with black holes , he may find himself presented with material on the Black Hole of Calcutta , or titles in which the two words appear separately and accidentally , unless the search procedure is more tightly controlled .
11 The madrigalist John Wilbye [ q.v. ] dedicated one set of published madrigals to Arabella Stuart [ q.v. ] and the other to Sir Charles Cavendish , the earl 's younger brother , who was himself connected by marriage to the Kytsons , Wilbye 's patrons at Hengrave Hall .
12 The austere artistic ideals of Rome made little impression on the city of Veronese , who himself got into trouble with the Roman Inquisition for his secular treatment of a ‘ Last Supper ’ .
13 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
14 Over the years Gambo became quite famous , and found himself dragged from battle to battle and expected to launch his now famous Halfling hot pot into the enemy ranks .
15 Although Lowe under Dr. Watson had also learnt enough speech to make himself understood by members of his family , he was to say that his usual method of communicating with his family was by his fingers , and with strangers , by writing .
16 What Ho himself understood by Marxism at this stage can perhaps best be seen in the first Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary text : The Road to Revolution , published in 1926 .
17 Caesar was the first Roman to have himself portrayed on coins during his lifetime .
18 Only two of the sixteen believers in the Bible accounts agreed that spirits could visit us during dreams although it is crucial to the sense of these accounts that God did make Himself known to individuals during dreams , and actually visited them in their dreams .
19 Ball had come to distrust the arguments he had himself encountered in London in 1965 .
20 Sexuality may be a component in stratification by gender but it can not be assumed a priori by a process of projection in which the male sociologist , himself accustomed to thinking of women in these terms , imposes his own proclivities and preoccupations on the data he is analysing .
21 But it is not the first case where an Australasian entrepreneur , hailed as a hero when things are going well , has found himself brought to earth with an ignominious bump when the going gets tough .
22 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
23 Possibly it was dismissed as the work of an eccentric ; and just as Henry Eliot received no reply , I have no doubt that Eliot himself remained in ignorance of its existence , unless Theresa later mentioned it to him .
24 On March 11 former President Ahmed Ben Bella 's party , the Movement for Democracy in Algeria ( Mouvement pour la démocratie en Algérie ) , was legalized although Ben Bella himself remained in exile in Switzerland , the Algerian judicial authorities having not yet reached a decision on whether to drop charges against him .
25 Even Art finds himself overcome at times by incredulity or revulsion , especially in the section of this second volume , where he confronts problems posed by the first 's inordinate success in 1986 .
26 who went to the Cape of Good Hope to observe the transit of Venus , which Green himself observed with Bradley at Greenwich on 6 June 1761 .
27 Later that year , in Constantinople , he found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence , the task being entrusted to his nephew , Henry Herbert , Lord Porchester ( later sixth Earl of Carnarvon ) .
28 In 1988 and 1989 , increasing numbers of secondary school students found them-selves excluded from school on a variety of pretexts , including failing their matriculation exams and political activism ( see Chapter 13 ) .
29 Paddy Kennedy , an RLP councillor who was himself taken to hospital with suspected broken ribs , said that he had seen Fitt fall to the ground and he had appeared to be on his knees when he was struck by a baton .
30 To his mild surprise he found himself confronted by rows of peers determined to fight on behalf of the brewing industry , a fearsomely effective lobby .
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