Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] down in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I flopped down in the seat but missed and landed on the floor .
2 Fortunately it did n't go off , but it made a hell of a mess , and I came down in a shell-hole just outside our wire . ’
3 Billy ( Nottingham ) and I came down in the afternoon to help .
4 I dropped down in the boat again , looking over my shoulder at the shore .
5 Accordingly , when I arrived there , I settled down in a pew at the back and nodded off .
6 As I settled down in the straw-filled barn that I had left a few moments ago in search of food , I looked around at the now sleeping Frenchman , stretched out in the straw .
7 I lay down in the woods and went to sleep .
8 I knew I had done something when I went down in the tackle . ’
9 I went down in the lift with Dr Jones in a blazing silence .
10 I went down in the lift .
11 As I went down in the lift I thought it pretty clever of Purvis to get the bike rider 's licence .
12 So and I went down in the pool this morning
13 and I do n't know how he , you are , and in the end our cousins you , you know convince me that they 'd take sort of control , you know that , if I was worried as well about or dad getting drunk , one thing or another like , you know , and said look we 're going , it 's not as though we 're not going , we 're going and we 'll have him in with us and I let him go in the end cos I went down in the five weeks
14 I fell down in a kind of madness , and they had to carry me from the room .
15 I kipped down in the broom cupboard .
16 I wrote down in the book , some of the places .
17 I ran down the pavement to get as far away from the hotel as I could , then I sat down in a doorway and continued crying .
18 After a while I sat down in a secret place by the Cherwell and fell to musing about how I had once myself aspired to Oxford , how one of my lecturers at Edinburgh had urged me to go on to read for a B.Litt. there , but of course the war had put an end to any such ambitions .
19 I sat down in a very deep sofa .
20 With a second cup in my hand , I sat down in an upright chair opposite my hostess .
21 Thanking him for giving me a lift , I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for Chapman to get moving .
22 A few times I sat down in the kitchen and almost told mum but changed my mind .
23 So I sat down in the warm , and ate the man 's breakfast .
24 I sat down in the long grass , puzzled to understand my weakness .
25 I sat down in the seat right by the door and , in between Seaforth and Litherland and Bootle New Strand , the doors suddenly opened and then closed while the train was moving .
26 As I crouched down in the trench I thought of the French family just a short distance away from us .
27 He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive , apparently into the sea .
28 One of the officers showed me into the aeroplane and himself sat down in the pilot 's seat .
29 4,000 Meteors were produced at the Gloucester aircraft company at Brockworth , which closed down in the 1960s .
30 Then she told her sister , who came down in a taxi and I was talking to a woman who would not get off the phone .
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