Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] the same way " in BNC.

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1 I started the same way last year , ’ he said .
2 I talked the same way at his age , fighting my rogue aitches and glottal stops .
3 I felt the same way a horse must have when confronted with a steam engine .
4 She laughed the same way as when I 'd first seen her .
5 I had one friend from another house who felt the same way as I did about the school and the whole process we were being put through .
6 That morning they parted under the trees , he never took her all the way to the gates , that would only have made things worse , that morning she looked the way she always looked , rings under her eyes and her whole body braced for the ordeal that lay ahead , how hard it was to leave her always , maybe that was why they always drew the parting out , sometimes it took minutes , just the saying goodbye , they backed away from each other , then stopped and called something out , then backed away again , they called out special words that they 'd made up , words to fill the distance between them , words for the things they could n't say , they backed away till he was under the trees or she was through the gates , whichever happened first , she looked the same way she always looked that morning , except for one thing , she had a clock tucked under her arm , the clock they 'd found together , the clock that did n't tick , the lonely clock .
7 I was sure you felt the same way .
8 Of course , I 've always loved her but I 'd no idea she felt the same way about me until she told me this afternoon .
9 The last time they went to the rock , everything began the same way as usual .
10 If they thought the same way as Joe Punter , they 'd be Joe Punter , and somebody else would be having all the fun . ’
11 On 10 March 1736 the Revd James Clegg , a Nonconformist minister and apothecary from Chinley in the heart of the Peak District , noted in his diary : ‘ An ancient man came for advice and brought a water [ a urine sample ? ] from beyond Southwell in Nottinghamshire , on foot , about 36 miles ’ ; no doubt he returned the same way .
12 ‘ I thought it was food poisoning because I had prepared fish which I had not cooked properly and when the doctor arrived he thought the same way .
13 He went the same way as your mother . ’
14 She knew she was in love with him , but did n't know if he felt the same way about her .
15 If more of us thought the same way , this country would n't be in such a mess .
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