Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Greg reached him he was stripping off his mask , and the two of them knelt over the form , laid face upwards on the earth .
2 If , no matter how randomly you threw matter around , the resulting conglomeration could often be said , with hindsight , to be good for something , then it would be true to say that I cheated over the swallow and the whale .
3 I argued over the wording of the campaign slogan because I felt that ‘ Do n't Forget the British Hostages in Beirut ’ was better than ‘ Free the Hostages ’ or ‘ Support the Hostages ’ .
4 During my time at the DHSS I met over the table with three Chief Secretaries and , I have to admit , had battles with them all .
5 I passed over the field at around 1000 ft .
6 Making our way through the crowds — great busloads of excited if baffled-looking Rajasthani villagers — Dr Jaffery and I passed over the moat and through the outer gate , part of the indecorous additional defences erected outside Shah Jehan 's fort by Aurangzeb .
7 I passed over the gas rigs right on track to Ronaldsway .
8 I passed over the cheque my landlord had given me .
9 When six chimed on the clock above the door , I reluctantly asked him to push the blind back in , and to lock up while I checked over the day 's takings .
10 I shouted over the gale .
11 ‘ We need a diversion , ’ I shouted over the cacophony .
12 The thing is , it 's a vicious circle , it 's Catch 22 really , 'cos I used to have a good self-employed business , going painting and decorating and I used to have a good clientele and that and I found over the years that , when it became harder and harder to score and the prices rocketed and all that , it got out of hand , out of proportion , that I was spending more and more time off the job than I was on the job , looking round to get the stuff and I found I was unable to carry on working without the drug , because I just felt so bad and I could n't climb ladders and I thought I was a danger to myself and anybody else that I had working with me , y'know .
13 She clung to me , as I bent over the bed .
14 I peered over the battlements .
15 I peered over the edge .
16 The photographer had long since gone , but Kevin Seymour and I pored over the yacht 's considerable folio of charts while we discussed in detail the cruises that have been sketched in so lightly in the previous paragraphs .
17 Someone sailed over the side rail of the staging and disappeared without a sound into the open abyss of the mist which swirled beyond .
18 He said , ‘ Someone came over the wall .
19 I came over the Brownies ' Bridge .
20 I came over the moors through the snow to the Grange .
21 After this , I felt a little refreshed but as I came over the hill towards Lochinver , my legs rebelled .
22 Within half an hour of breaking camp , I came over the brow of a hill — compacted earth with pockets of drifted sand .
23 As I came over the brow , there was nothing but a windswept plateau .
24 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
25 Gripping the ski-poles I tried to keep myself steady as the velocity increased and then , all of a sudden I sailed over the edge and felt myself going head over heels towards a white mass of snow far below .
26 I , too , began to fear for my life as I stooped over the lavatory bowl .
27 I clambered over the wall separating his garden from the orchard and followed him into the cottage .
28 They all shook hands with me , and the Frenchman gave me a bag containing one dozen eggs before I clambered over the wall and into the orchard .
29 I clambered over the wall and dropped on the other side and made my way quickly across the field in the direction of the cottage .
30 I clambered over the rubble where I thought it was safe to do so , and got one piece of the great white pulpit , and the last page of the Bible I knew had been used by Dr Thomas Chalmers before his mission to New Guinea .
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