Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] take over [art] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to take over the kitchen , but in this I was thwarted by my father who had his own ideas about food , and who would keep interfering and making a mess , whereas I preferred to clear away and wash up as I went along .
2 That was the filthy coastal town smelling of fish oil where I 'd taken over the driving .
3 This plan was given a cautious welcome by the Social Democratic and Labour Party , led by Gerry Fitt , John Hume , and Paddy Devlin , which had taken over the leadership of ‘ constitutional ’ nationalist opinion .
4 The borders of the former Soviet Union were currently guarded by the Committee for the Protection of State Borders with Joint Command of Border Troops , which had taken over the KGB 's responsibility for border troops , as approved by the Soviet of the Republics at its meeting on Dec. 3 .
5 The simultaneous news that the Commander in Chief of the Army , von Brauchitsch , had been relieved of his duties and that Hitler himself had taken over the direct military leadership of the army , together with the undeniable fact that the German advance had come to a halt and the Soviet counter-attack close to Moscow could only be staved off with partial retreats , and , not least , the entry of the United States into the war , combined to produce the first major shock to the German population during the Second World War .
6 He would go to see Joseph Fouché personally , and explain the position to him : that he had uncovered a massive international conspiracy of Jews who planned to take over the whole of Europe .
7 Ross , who 'd taken over the industrial empire founded by his father , Sir David Wyndham , had been planning to develop and broaden the company 's overseas operations .
8 However , the two cardinals who did take over the musical reforms the Pope 's young nephew Carlo Borromeo and Vitellozzo Vitellozzi were men of intelligence and culture .
9 She had taken over the caravan and his life .
10 It was almost the first news story she had taken over the newsroom headphones and she knew the absolute importance of accuracy .
11 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
12 It was clear , too , that Kanhai , who had taken over the leadership from Sobers , was coming to the end of his career and that whoever took over from him would have the opportunity for an extended run in the job if he were successful .
13 There was the young woman and her baby who had moved into the space above the coach-house , and there was the noisy couple from Luton who had taken over the empty servants ' quarters up the back stairs .
14 During 1795–6 she engaged in a one-sided correspondence with the radical William Godwin , who had taken over the role vacated by Eccles .
15 César Gavira Trujillo , 43 , who had held office as Finance Minister and Interior Minister under the current President , Virgilio Barco Vargas , and who had taken over the election campaign of Luis Carlos Galán Sarmineto after the latter 's assassination on Aug. 18 , 1989 [ see p. 36844 ] , received an estimated 60 per cent of the vote and comfortably defeated his five rivals .
16 The opposition Fiji Labour National Federation Parties , led by Adi Kuini Bavadra ( the widow of the ousted Prime Minister who had taken over the party leadership after her husband 's death from cancer in 1989 ) , denounced the Constitution as racist and anti-democratic and announced its refusal to participate in elections held under its auspices .
17 Mugica was reputed to be a Marxist Leninist who had taken over the ETA leadership after the killing of his less hardline predecessor , Eduardo Moreno Bergaretxe , in 1976 [ see p. 28087 ] .
18 Mattan , who had taken over the yellow jersey from Lillywhite in Leicester on Saturday , started yesterday 33 seconds ahead of Lillywhite but had dropped to fourth place overall by the end of the day .
19 McCoist , who had taken over the captaincy from the injured Richard Gough , shrugged his shoulders and said : ‘ We 've grown used to all those injuries and learned to accept them .
20 Appropriately enough for a photo session with one of the fittest men in the world — capable of dancing for hours without a break — we 'd taken over a corner of top London gym , The Peak , at the Hyatt Carlton Tower Hotel .
21 Whether the government , which is collecting the money from the sale of the villas , was hoping Prince Sihanouk would come back , or whether no one dared to take over the house , Mr Sok Hay would not say .
22 One twelve-hour shift had knocked off and a new one had taken over the duties of maintaining the platform 's complex equipment .
23 The town was the capital of the central Afghanistan province of Urozgan , and mujaheddin sources reported that they had taken over the administration of the entire province following the defection of its governor , its chief of police , and Tarin Kot 's garrison of 500 .
24 The three announced that they had taken over the leadership of the SPLA and accused Garang , who had led the organization since its creation in 1983 , of dictatorial behaviour .
25 They attempted to take over the city ; for three days they fought the Viet Minh , and in the cross-fire Lieutenant-Colonel Dewey of OSS was shot dead .
26 The third practice had overspent because it had taken over a smaller practice after the preparatory work on budget setting had been completed , and it had not been able to make an accurate estimate of prescribing costs for the 1300 patients involved .
27 Jan. 27 USC broadcasts statement on Radio Mogadishu announcing that it had taken over the government .
28 Elsham signalbox is situated in a very remote part of the Lincolnshire countryside and thus evokes more strange happenings that baffled John Daubney when he had to take over the box as a relief signalman .
29 The year before Mountbatten died he had taken over the reins of the United World Colleges ( UWC ) from his great-uncle .
30 He had taken over the management of his sister 's bakery .
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