Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 Everyone got on with the business at hand , preoccupied with the problems of food shortages , lack of funds and compliance with the rules of the Islamic order .
2 In Philip Burton 's version , from then on , all was sweetness ; Richard occasionally went back to the house of Cis and Elfed ( on Sunday mornings ) and the two of them got on with the transformation of the street boy into the stage man .
3 I might have escaped her vigilance when I made off with the boat , but my wails of distress soon brought her running to the rescue .
4 The only other fictional world I lived in with the same intensity was that of Louisa M. Alcott .
5 Once again I met up with the old Frenchman who had invited me into his home .
6 But as I rode out with the nation 's most prestigious hunt , I found its members the model of politeness .
7 Like a dutiful citizen , I checked in with the Usher and he looked at his clipboard and said there would be about a fifteen-minute wait , so why did n't I take a seat ?
8 Then after a long time I got up with the help of a friend .
9 And I got up with the intention of diving off the second one and I went no !
10 After we 'd agreed the itinerary I got on with the detailed flying planning , using the new French VFR maps and the American TPC ( Tactical Pilotage Charts ) which we bought from Stamfords in London .
11 I got on with the work , tried very hard to stay jovial , and kept a smiling face .
12 She went , and I got on with the life of Ellen Parkin , about to emerge from her chrysalis , to spread her wings as Eleanor Darcy .
13 Well I did n't know Spanish , but I got by with the Italian , you know , I had , I had once , .
14 I caught up with the others as they were entering the front door of the house .
15 If she thought her troubles would be over when and if I caught up with the blackmailer , she was way off .
16 I just did half and half and then I built up with the second couple of days then I did twenty minutes and then by the end of the week I went twenty five minutes half an hour .
17 I realised that many did drugs , so I spent a lot of time in the drug community before hand , so that once I hooked up with the women I could move back and forth .
18 I staggered along with the baby and the heavy bag , and , of course , Elaine was n't there .
19 Even when I played through proxies he must have still known it was me , because one day , 'bout the end of my second year on Mars , I woke up with the blues just like you did .
20 It 's much like a DYPP , and should really have been called DXPP , but someone came up with the name Tech-Tech first ( on the other hand , just try to pronounce DXPP ! ) .
21 But 180 years ago in America someone came up with the idea of a Temperance Society .
22 You also had to maintain things , so I came up with the figure of thirty-one .
23 And so I came up with the following idea , which works extremely well for me .
24 I came up with the idea of having a sale .
25 I came along with the Maxteds .
26 I had n't intended to speak on the external affairs section , but the discussion had widened so much that I came in with the attached remarks .
27 By the time I came back with the camera it would be almost a beaten track .
28 When I came out with the next platitude ( ‘ How are you ? ’ ) they lifted and turned towards me .
29 I came out with the awful truth today to the lads .
30 On holiday I teamed up with the nicest boy I 've ever met — but everyone says it 's just a holiday romance .
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