Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv prt] the first " in BNC.

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1 I incurred a second funeral director 's bill the same week as I paid off the first .
2 I walked down the first fairway in a relaxed and peaceful mood , despite my early departure from my bed .
3 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
4 Three hundred and forty years later , in 1918 , the National Education Association and the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools , in the United States , approved the so-called Certain Standards ( named after the chairman of its working party , Carl Caspar Certain ) which laid down the first standard specifications for a secondary school library .
5 Somebody rang up the first programme to complain about people who were apparently telephoning the station and talking on air .
6 How did the implementers of the monetarist nonsense which brought about the first recession manage to produce a second recession ?
7 Jinny was paralysed until Keith prodded her and she choked out the first words .
8 Abercrombie and fellow practitioners who prepared plans for the reconstruction of British cities after the war , and planning officers up and down the country who drew up the first batch of development plans after 1948 , worked to a common assumption : once the new urban land use pattern had been established , city form and structure would settle down into a steady state .
9 Bodley 's view about the literary insignificance of English drama was formally challenged by Ben Jonson who published plays in the Folio edition of his Workes in 1616 and later , and in response to Jonson 's success , by Shakespeare 's first editors , Heminge and Condell , who brought out the First Folio of Shakespeare 's plays in 1623 ( eight years after Shakespeare died ) .
10 The surgeons in Utah who carried out the first artificial heart operation are still waiting to see how their patient manages before carrying out any more operations .
11 She ran down the first flight of stairs , and then turned and dragged herself back to the flat .
12 Lisa dived in hungrily , spreading butter and honey on a croissant , and reflecting as she washed down the first bite with coffee that it was even more delicious than it looked .
13 That should shake the audience to attention , she thought , as she picked up the first book .
14 She picked up the first box of jars and went back to the room .
15 She dived down the first alleyway , until she came to the window beside the white door with the red strip on the step .
16 She held out the first page of the manuscript file for him to read .
17 It was Johnny who set up the first weekly pools and bingo competitions at the Palace and it is from those humble beginnings that the massively valuable present-day lottery has grown .
18 With a solo exhibition of the works of Klaus Suss from Chemnitz ( until 5 May ) , Gunar Barthel continues its introduction to the artists who set up the first collective gallery of the GDR ( called ‘ Clara Mosch ’ using the initial letters of the names of its founder members ) .
19 Back at Napo , the young cocoa trees in the nursery were growing well , and in February 1981 we planted out the first trees in our ‘ gene bank ’ .
20 But as we went up the first steep hill we quickly worked up a healthy sweat and removed our fleece jackets .
21 Overall , however , the expedition was a great success : ‘ Most of our aims were achieved , as — among other objectives — we confirmed the presence of five threatened species of mammal , we carried out the first study of bats in the area , and we gathered valuable information on the flora of the area , including the discovery of a new species , ’ she continued .
22 They walked down the first flight of stairs in silence .
23 This was a short-lived club , but important if only for the fact that it drew up the first Breed Standard in 1901 .
24 Accordingly , in the autumn of 1870 , under the new title " Tragedy and the Freethinkers " , he drew up the first main plan whose scope , in both space and time , went substantially beyond Greece .
25 When he lifted out the first and looked through the handwritten pages he found that he was holding Henryk Liawski 's personal diary covering odd and irregular dates between 1952 and 1958 .
26 He turned up the first day of the term , picked up his grant , bought a guitar with it and then disappeared ‘ till the start of the next term and that term 's grant cheque .
27 He turned down the first street he came to , turned left , right , left again , he walked down a hill , along an alley , through a deserted square , but still he could n't find one anywhere .
28 Then Lebensraum became available in Venice in the Sixties , when he took on the first floor of the Palazzo Malpiero Trevisani in Campo Santa Maria Formosa .
29 He brought out the first published Ordnance Survey map , An Entirely New & Accurate Survey of the County of Kent ( 1801 ) .
30 This regime , however , did not always guarantee a satisfactory result , as in the case of the tower he added to Wroxton church , Oxfordshire ( 1747–8 ) , the top stage of which rapidly collapsed — as Walpole pointedly reported : ‘ Mr Miller … unluckily once in his life happened to think rather of beauty than of the water-tables , and so it fell down the first winter ’ — but that does not seem to have affected his popularity .
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