Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] our first " in BNC.

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1 Last year we moved into our first flat .
2 The following extract is taken from this last chapter , and elaborates on some of the problems we mentioned in our first chapter , ( pp 7–8 ) .
3 As we walked into our first service at Queens Park , we immediately found a congregation of loving Christians who welcomed our family warmly into an atmosphere of worship and praise to the Lord .
4 and er when I tell you that I went to the detective staff in nineteen twenty seven , then we started with our first mobile help .
5 There is none of the discrete lumpiness we saw in our first experiment when a bullet at a time hit the screen , now here , now there .
6 We struggled in our first season , were 11th last year and are hoping to continue our improvement with a top six finish this time , ’ said secretary Raymond Loughrey .
7 In the afternoon we went for our first ever dive with Patrick , Le Ponant 's diving director .
8 At one end of the town was a bank where we went on our first day to change some money .
9 Can you remember when we went on our first aid course ?
10 As we discussed at our first meeting and as I subsequently discussed with Angela Rumbold , it was very clear that unless there was a preparedness on the part of the Home Office to take its hands off the management of the Prison Service in its day to day business and allow itself to be constrained by matters of policy only , then it would not be possible to effect the changes which you deem desirable and which have become very clear to me as being necessary during the talks I have had and the visits I have made .
11 No , it started at our first show in Glasgow , and then we got support slots with Mudhoney before we were a developed band .
12 That is what happened on our first day here . ’
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