Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Take a drive in the country during the hedgehog season and you will see the remains of thousands of them splattered across the roads .
2 Corbett thought it was mere drunken bravado when one of them lunged across the table and uproar ensued as food , cups and flagons of wine and ale were sent sprawling .
3 More to the point , at that age , Auntie tells me , I saw no distinction between the two Fathers , both of whom lived in the sky .
4 In a very real sense , of course , the biographies of the Muftis in the following chapters illustrate the development of the hierarchy , but it seems not without point to concentrate attention on this particular aspect by placing side by side the biographies of two scholars , one of whom lived in the period before the hierarchy had become developed to any very great degree — before , perhaps , it is even possible to speak of a hierarchy-he other in a period when the development was fairly well advanced , though not complete .
5 There were three of them seated in the wardroom , Talbot , Van Gelder and Grierson .
6 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
7 The three of them rode to the bank of the river , dismounted , then slipped quickly through the underbrush .
8 Everyone argued about the jury .
9 The glass before them became like a mirror for the briefest time but it was a distorting , ghost-train mirror , more shadow than substance-with his mind adding hallucinatory details to the little that he could see .
10 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
11 It is a wonderful fact that I should be affected , and thus deeply and powerfully , more than by aught else in all my experience — that this fruit should be borne in me sprung from a seed finer than the spores of fungi , floated from other atmospheres ! finer than the dust caught in the sails of vessels a thousand miles from land !
12 The men drank beer from the bottles , and one of them passed round the cigarettes he had bought on the flight , and the blond girl contributed a half-bottle of Stock brandy .
13 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
14 There will eventually be 10 zones in all , each of them designated in an area of particularly high unemployment .
15 ‘ There were 17 players in the team and everyone got on the pitch at some point during the game , ’ he added .
16 Everyone got off the train at Winnipeg , one thousand , four hundred and thirteen miles along the rails from Toronto .
17 The truth is that as painters and as a man and a woman , they were engaged , during these years , in the same adventure which turned out to be more fatal than either of them realised at the time .
18 The theory was that the effort of changing would keep me pinned to the table , diligent and creative .
19 Not everyone shared in the boom ; in particular the farmers did not .
20 That was how many of them got into the peep shows , selling off their self-respect in order to finance their habit .
21 The Korean communists at Yenan probably numbered about 300 , some of whom fought with the CCF .
22 By showing things-as-they-are , then showing them penetrated by the catalyst , the agent that embodies the will-to-change .
23 And all three of them made for the stairs .
24 The most interesting show out of London is Miro : Sculpture , which has opened at the Southampton City Art Gallery ; 37 bronzes are on show , each one of them made by a Catalan , anarchist , sex-mad Santa Claus
25 He came back to school after Christmas with 4 of them stuffed in the back of his mini and it just went from there .
26 Leith still had n't got herself back together again when the five of them moved to the dining-room .
27 The two older men made no reply to this , and neither of them moved towards the door to open it ; nor did they say ‘ Good-day … ’
28 The French , like the Austrians and the Russians , were quite ready to consider the exclusion of the Turks from Serbia and , indeed , from all their European provinces , if they could see an advantage for themselves , but they also saw the danger of a disastrous confrontation if any of them moved before the time was ripe .
29 As soon as the song finished she grabbed her cousin and the two of them sank into a heap on the floor , hiding their faces and giggling .
30 But the Pope kept quiet and the atrocities went on , many of them supervised by the followers of St Francis .
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