Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] you can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 You can get drunk and dance to them or you can listen intently to the lyrics .
2 ‘ You want to arm wrestle ? ’ she kept saying , ‘ beat me and you can do whatever you like to my body . ’
3 When you come out of there I mean , if you do like we when I 've ever gone I take my shampoo with me and you can have a shower and wash your hair , get the chlorine off you and they do sell er , chips upstairs and they 're not very expensive .
4 You give it to me and you can take the next stage . "
5 You just have to look at them and you can tell .
6 Is there any joint and seems light , if the light were on the light catches them and you can see all the
7 My sister made the mistake of letting the children see them and you can imagine they were very soon much depleted .
8 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
9 two of them and you can have one of them .
10 This lethal game is often called ‘ last across ’ , the idea being to see how close you can be to a train before it hits you or you can get out of the way .
11 Do you or you can say to her is I do n't know where it 's gone or it does n't work .
12 You , you , you , you or you can say something else .
13 To make it sit still , sit up and oblige , because it is smaller than you and you can compel it , is unkind .
14 We 'll do a Pygmalion on you and you can go back to the hospital and charm them into letting your dad out . ’
15 Hopefully , you 've got the up-to-date telephone directory beside you and you can transfer it , and we all know how to transfer it .
16 I trust you and you can trust me .
17 I 'll have my doctor call on you and you can ring Rachel .
18 Now I know what 's worrying you and you can relax .
19 Death is a friend to you and you can help your friend . ’
20 As I said , this is just a very simple fine schematic description for you and you can look at the details anywhere .
21 Just one side I tell you what , let's take you , do n't do that , or you 'll break it off , let's take you and you can have a look at this one .
22 I 'll get his number for you and you can call him yourself What about you , though , Rose ?
23 You have a lot of air pressure against you and you can use that to manoeuvre in the sky .
24 It 'll be too big for you but you can get a belt at Woolworth 's . ’
25 Now as I said way back at the very beginning , the greeting and appropriate sociability will set the scene if it 's too short or too long it will doubtlessly alienate the whole process but you can see the domino effect you but you can see the domino effect you
26 I 've suggested several simple patterns for you but you can elaborate further on these yourself .
27 You get done for , pulled up for speeding or parking or something and you can pay your own fine .
28 It works on a mental level as well as a physical one and you can off-load all the stress and tension you 've carried around the course .
29 I 've just bought a new one and you can have it .
30 Some said they 'd , they 'd be interested in playing , they knew how to play certain things and others wanted to play others and that 's how we started , and in a matter of a year the new headquarters at er Lowestoft was being opened , by the Dutchess of Kent , and we decided that the band was going to play at that one and you can imagine , and it was all ready and they were playing music , but I 'm not sure what , what quality music it was , and blow me on the week before , the band leader , the conductor decided he could n't play because he had a sprained wrist so we were left without a conductor even , but we managed to get another conductor and we played and I do n't know what it sounded like , but the Dutchess of Kent was very kind , she said the music sounded lovely .
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