Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Government should have made a statement on the way in which the police national computer operates ; it should not have been necessary for me or the National Council for Civil Liberties to prise information from them .
2 That does not mean that I or the Labour party agree with those proposals .
3 This morning I spoke briefly to Terry Waite while he was on board the aircraft returning home and was able to express the delight that I and the whole country felt at his safe return and at Mr. Sutherland 's release .
4 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
5 For that reality too may be reinterpreted philosophically as an illusion , a world of appearances , what Schopenhauer calls " the veil of maya " , interposed between ourselves and the ultimate reality — by which is meant the ground of being , the primordial oneness or unity of all individual things .
6 As he had become an English citizen and relations between ourselves and the Soviet Union were , when he died , a great deal pricklier than they are today , this caused considerable suspicion and distrust among the fiscal authorities of both countries .
7 For the horticultural work , links need to be established and maintained between ourselves and the major gardening programme makers , specialist gardening magazines , and the gardening correspondents of the major newspapers .
8 Her knees touched his and the tiny contact sent a quiver of anticipation up her spine .
9 Now the prize was his and the serious work was begun .
10 So it 's a drain on , on the time , not just his but the knock-on effect .
11 He would break with Lloyd George , and it would remain to be seen whether the victim would be himself or the Prime Minister .
12 The main reason why working-class youths did not invade the pitch in the 1930s was because the ground was theirs and the playing area was sacred ( Taylor , 1971a ) .
13 The original accusations levelled by Thorez were based on a fictitious analogy between Nizan himself and the fictional character Pluvinage .
14 The flute faltered , the flute player stepped aside and indicated to her the place between himself and the hollow-cheeked man with the guitar .
15 Since Jim Henson 's sudden , untimely death his son Brian has taken over the company reins and continues the great tradition by trundling out Kermit as Bob Cratchit , Miss Piggy as Emily Cratchit , Fozzie Bear as Fozziwig , Rizzo The Rat as Himself and The Great Gonzo as narrator Mr Dickens .
16 It was not impossible they planned to work some malign mischief upon himself and the gullible Mistress Sinister .
17 His original plan had been largely dependent on much more time to play with , and involved a much closer personal interplay between himself and the young pilot .
18 Macmillan — worried by the age gap between himself and the young president — was careful not to take anything for granted .
19 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
20 The duties of every professor shall include original work by the professor himself and the general supervision of research and advanced work in his subject and department , and assistance of students in their studies by advice or informal instruction .
21 But what held the audience 's rapt attention from beginning to end was above all the genius of Verdi himself and the superlative grandeur of his music .
22 The boat was wedged across a rock where the current was not as bad as that elsewhere , and they threw a rope across to McCandless who tied it around himself and the near-unconscious woman .
23 ‘ He 'll manage twenty-five miles or so by nightfall , and that will bring him to the stream over there called the Carron , with a dozen miles of forest and boggy ground between himself and the main river-crossing .
24 Prentice closed the gap between himself and the terrified woman .
25 After a couple of minutes he heard the familiar clanking sound that indicated that Fagg was taking refuge in the contents of his various pockets and had commenced the process of smearing snuff all over himself and the surrounding furniture .
26 These new men showed they had neither the time nor the political inclination to instigate a programme of Whig reform ; indeed , partly reacting against the Jacobite challenge of 1715 , they introduced a number of measures designed to ensure their and the new dynasty 's political security which seemed to represent an abandonment of what Whiggery had traditionally stood for .
27 Thus But Hence a useful alternative expression for the partial fraction coefficients is in terms of which and The final result here is referred to as the Heavyside expansion theorem .
28 Then take a limiting case : if nobody but the original painter or painters of the great roof bison of Altamira had ever seen this work ( and comparable work may still be lying undiscovered ) , would any of us wish , on our first sight of it , to deny its status as art because it had not been consciously exhibited ?
29 Immediately after this big moment the earth is convulsed with horror we have Eve 's first speech , presumably after the fall the first speech in a state of sin , and this is it ‘ Oh sovereign virtuous , precious of all trees in Paradise , of operation blest to sapinense hitherto obscured in famed and thy fair fruit let hang as to not end created , but henceforth my early care not without song each morning and dew/due pray shall tend thee and the fertile burden ease of thy full branches offered free to all .
30 with Thee and the Holy Ghost ,
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