Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv] only [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I stopped there only to change trains .
2 I had not only to Testify as to how , where and when the Lord Jesus had entered my heart but also give the punters a detailed account of the innermost secrets of my heart .
3 An illustrative case may be found in the work and practical impact of William Morris , who sought not only to recognize but also to ameliorate the social and aesthetic impact of the machine , partly under the influence of socialist ideas .
4 The 1958 war is remembered now not so much for the vicious sectarian battles that occurred in Beirut but for the arrival of the US Marines , who stormed ashore only to find the beaches occupied not by militiamen but by bikini-clad ladies and street urchins who were merely waiting to sell Coca-Cola to the country 's latest rescuers .
5 Thus the extreme subjectivism of , for example , the novels of Virginia Woolf , belongs within the same formation as the economic interventionism of Keynes , who wanted not only to preserve the economic system by rationalizing it but to do this so that , within that achieved stability , the real processes of civilized life could be extended , undisturbed .
6 How hopeless and ludicrous everything was : the seas of incomprehension , the misunderstandings that could never be cleared up because we seemed not only to speak different languages but to inhabit different countries .
7 When , on 1 January 1864 , the tsar legislated for the creation of the new assemblies — " zemstva " ( or , if the plural is anglicized , " zemstvos " ) — they seemed not only to represent provincial society as a whole but also to possess considerable authority .
8 Also too often they broke away only to lose the initiative by letting the cockney donkeys get back .
9 They offered not only to plant a tree in my name , if I applied for a policy , but also the choice of a free radio alarm clock or a telephone .
10 His formal meeting with the US delegation ignored the pledge he made then only to meet ‘ old friends ’ from abroad privately and not to discuss politics .
11 It ventured forth only to kill cattle or flatten crops , poisoning the air with its fetid breath .
12 Yet as the war dragged on it served not only to increase the regime 's unpopularity but also to give new leverage to the forces of opposition .
13 The public inquiry into the expansion of the Windscale nuclear reprocessing factory gave the anti-nuclear movement the impetus it needed not only to challenge the official estimates of risks , but also to question repeatedly the idea that the simplistic estimation of the numerical size of a risk should govern its regulation .
14 He started not only to print his addresses or charges but to review books of general interest ; to consider a book on diplomacy and war , and not to lose a chance of holding up the character of Asquith to admiration , or to contrast the laziness and drift of Stanley Baldwin as prime minister with the crusading fervour of a Gladstone .
15 To hold the regime together , and maintain himself at its head , he manoeuvred not only to maximize his chances of material and territorial satisfaction , but also to avoid alienating from himself any of the factions within his regime , while , at the same time , bolstering his own hegemony by ensuring the persistence of competition between them .
16 He had not only to take Rome : he had also to retain it .
17 He had not only to acquire knowledge of the artificial-flower trade but to compete , while paying full male wages , against most manufacturers , who employed low-waged girls .
18 He wrote not only to defend the faith against persecuting governors , sceptical philosophers , and combative rabbis , but also to uphold the authentic tradition against Simon Magus ' followers ( Acts 8 : 9 ) or the adherents of Marcion and the Gnosticizing Platonist Valentine .
19 Having seen all of this , Stoker , they say , told Irving he wished not only to administer Irving 's theatrical affairs , but to write for the great man .
20 It was something he wanted not only to preserve but somehow to revive .
21 For the first time in what seemed an age to him , he wanted not only to laugh but to guffaw , like he used to do when Harry or Martin came out with something funny .
22 It remained now only to encourage Charlie to talk , and here there was no difficulty .
23 Plenty of times I 'm sure he stayed out only to avoid Mum 's sharp tongue because there was no work to be had for any of the men .
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