Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] the year " in BNC.

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1 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
2 Hurriedly I glanced at the year of the film 's release .
3 This scheme has replaced transitional relief which operated in the year 1990–91 .
4 This tells us water temperatures were changing and we believe this represents a major almenial event which occurred in the year seventeen forty seven .
5 The furthest the Realm of Chaos has ever expanded since Sigmar 's time was during the Great War Against Chaos which began in the year 2302 .
6 As I mentioned a year ago , however , the then current sales of advertising space and forward orders for 1992 were seriously down , a position which persisted throughout the year .
7 Many of the ancient water-clocks were instruments of considerable complexity , particularly as they were designed to indicate hours which varied throughout the year .
8 The rest of provision the rest of the , of the movement are things like provisions which increased during the year much smaller number .
9 Finally I would like to mention three books which appeared during the year which we at Brunel are already using successfully .
10 The directors who served during the year were as follows :
11 you started in the year of the general strike in nineteen twenty six .
12 Her grandmother lived close to Chernobyl and received a large dose of radiation — she died within the year .
13 She lived out her life unmarried in Buckeburg in Hanover , first with her remaining sister , who died within the year , and then alone .
14 We were pleased to find the palace deserted ( or so we thought ) except for the usual steward and bailiffs who stayed throughout the year to clean the rooms , wash the hangings and sweep out the dirt once the court moved on .
15 Elizabeth had won the essay competition and was just about to stand up when Jessica got up and she walked up to Mr and she asked and he asked her what magazine she wanted for the year and she said Rock Seventeen Jessica knew what magazine Elizabeth wanted and she just said Rock Seventeen .
16 The trading conditions which we experienced during the year with no recovery in prospect required a radical look at the costs and overheads structure of the UK activities .
17 In conclusion I would like to thank everyone concerned ; tot he management and the golf courses we visited during the year and wish them every success in the coming season .
18 We relied heavily on subscriptions and donations and were delighted by the loyalty and support we received throughout the year .
19 The Division 's North American operations have benefited from excellent results in Electronic Materials , including The Alta Group which we acquired during the year .
20 It must be declared and tax paid on the cost to your employer ( a Christmas party is exempt if it is the only one held in the year and costs no more than £50 a head ) .
21 If we travelled through the year asking questions like Will Charles and Diana separate ?
22 The costs of community services to control sample members at both second and third assessments were considerably lower than those of the action samples , even though in both boroughs they increased during the year .
23 And we have a bicycle which he made in the year eighteen seventy , that was before he had started business on his own and he had erm made it for a young solicitor in Galashiels and I believe it was used in a race from Galashiels from Place in Galashiels to the .
24 She was persuaded to do this , some tactful excuse having been found ; but finally it appeared in the year of her death , and her last letter to me acknowledged it .
25 He explained about the year off and told her about hitchhiking to Greece to sleep on beaches beneath the Mediterranean sky .
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