Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pron] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 I passed one just as I was coming out of Blakemere . ’
2 Well I noticed it soon as I got to there .
3 However , as I had promised attacking football , I named them all as forwards .
4 I waved him away as Karen thoughtfully tucked me in and zipped me up .
5 I called you yesterday as requested but could n't get past your automatic switchboard .
6 I knew him well as he was a collector .
7 I reached her just as she was about to hoist herself out .
8 It is not surprise therefore , that I heard the story there and I related it exactly as I remember hearing it .
9 I kicked him aside as the dream faded .
10 I struggled with the whole thing the night before Christmas and the whole of Christmas Day , and finally I realised then that I wanted you just as you were .
11 They say that 30 years ago everyone recognised it instantly as belonging to the late of Orwell Lodge ( 's step great-grandmother ) .
12 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
13 or though you could just like , if you got something for say ten ninety nine and it was fifteen pounds and you got something else as well
14 She checked herself so as not to rush and then advanced over-slowly , first took up the bottle of rum , poured a glass , then picked up a guinea , seemed , he thought ( and smiled ) to test it , pocketed it , brought him the rum .
15 How could she have been foolish enough to let it happen ? she asked herself inwardly as the lift slowed and stopped , and its wide metal doors sighed open .
16 Secondly , we must recall that the mental conflicts which I am identifying as the origins of human society and civilized behaviour — essentially those portrayed in the story of Oedipus — were as intensely painful and unpleasurable to those who experienced them then as they are to those who experience them in our own times .
17 He mattered to Shelley very much — as a doctor and as a person , and she could n't bear to think of him losing that precious heart to this young girl , who regarded him just as someone to pay her bills .
18 Do n't be a fool , she scolded herself silently as Michele led the way down the echoing tunnel to a fancy wrought-iron gate at the far end .
19 She used it now as she said , ‘ It 's so sweet of Susan to spare you tonight .
20 Apparently , she had been taken in by the Madam who ran the house , a woman called Bella Cohen , who adopted her almost as her daughter , by personally , I always found it hard to believe myself . "
21 Seeing him now in a different light , she studied him covertly as he read quickly through the typewritten sheets .
22 I 'd tried to keep my voice light , coaxing , but she studied me coolly as though she 'd picked up my unspoken reservations and would not forget them .
23 She studied it carefully as though it were some unfamiliar object she was seeing for the first time .
24 ‘ I think we 've concluded our business , ’ she told him crisply as she snatched open the driver 's door and climbed into the sun-warmed interior .
25 ‘ You certainly have mastered your anatomy , ’ she told him admiringly as he slid his hands across the small of her back to find that ecstatic erogenous zone that never failed to set her on fire .
26 Which was maybe a good reason why it probably would n't happen , she told herself sternly as she stuffed another olive .
27 ‘ Get a grip , Aurora , ’ she told herself sternly as she rummaged in the cupboard .
28 Maybe that was the basic problem , she told herself wearily as she now stared blindly up at the ceiling .
29 Put your foot down , she told herself weakly as he pulled her gently towards him .
30 All she was interested in right now , she told herself firmly as she banished tantalising , dangerous thoughts concerning those strong brown hands , was his ability to keep them afloat .
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