Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [verb] her at " in BNC.

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1 I 'd met her at the odd party where we 'd chatted and that 's about it . ’
2 None of the nurses spoke to me , nothing , till 2 o'clock that afternoon , which I 'd had her at 7.30 in the morning …
3 She 's a friend of Bertice Reading , who is working at the Prince of Wales Theatre , so I arranged to meet her at the stage door at 2 o'clock .
4 She could have her Mum I heard call her at home to make sure , if anything had happened , so
5 At first I had thought she would recover , but when I learned her illness was serious , I decided to visit her at night , for what might be the last time .
6 ‘ She 's off today , sir , but I managed to get her at her flat .
7 ] ‘ I went to see her at Claridge 's … they are always so obsequious when one asks for her … .
8 I had witnessed Sister Kenny 's unusual treatment when I went to see her at work at Queen Mary 's Hospital for Children in Carshalton , one of several hospitals we had visited during our advanced student days .
9 I had met her at the England-USA match in Birmingham and she had offered to help me with my career .
10 Somebody tried to phone her at the flat .
11 She projected a kind of agelessness , which had made her at the same time an object of attention from both the Young Women 's Fitness Class and the Over-50s Club .
12 A year in Milan , Italy 's great fashion centre , had sounded close to perfect — at least , that was how the woman who 'd interviewed her at International Models had made it sound .
13 A close school friend , Paula Bolwell , 19 , said Sarah had been unhappy when she had visited her at college .
14 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
15 Sybille was an exception , but Laura liked to believe that she had persuaded her at least to cut down .
16 To lose her now was going to be ten times worse than when she had left her at the Foundling Hospital , and she was making herself ill with worry .
17 She chuckled at her romanticism : even most of the historians who had taught her at Cambridge sported tattered leather jackets and greasy jeans .
18 He reminded her of a mathematics mistress who had taught her at school .
19 The other occupants of the boat were a Marine sergeant and one of the soldiers who had found her at the village .
20 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
21 This was style , as they had taught her at school .
22 They had warned her at the start there would be complicated things going on , and not to try to understand them , that her job was looking after the baby .
23 They had left her at school as long as they could , because they did n't know what to do with her ; but now she was to take this course and later get a job on a newspaper .
24 She would find one , they had told her at the training depot , at most main-line stations .
25 They were constructing a series of weirs upstream , so they had told her at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , which would eventually control this annual predator , but for this year , at least , it surged down irresistibly as ever , biting acres out of its banks as it cornered , like a ferocious animal frustrated .
26 All the villagers had an increasing tendency to address Lydia , if they had to address her at all , in the third person through the medium of Betty and it seemed that Elizabeth too had caught the habit .
27 His ex-wife Margaret claims he tried to kill her at the family home in Brockhampton .
28 He asked the old man if he knew Miss Lavant , if he 'd seen her at the fete , in clothes with buttercups on them .
29 He 'd met her at work , which was about the only place where he did meet people these days .
30 When he 'd left her at the entrance to Newcastle Place the day Pa died she 'd ached with disappointment that she might never see him again .
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