Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is overladen with tear-jerking moments , most of them centred on a big eyed calf that Crystal , roped in as mid- wife , delivers onscreen in the film 's only spot of blood and gore .
2 All of them lived with a nervous expectation that it could happen to them .
3 Bartlemas had an enormous private income , and the pair of them lived in a tall Victorian house in Islington , which was filled to the brim with play-bills , prints , prompt copies , figurines and other souvenirs of their two heroes .
4 Some of them lived in a rented house , while the Taiwan Ten took over the garage and yard .
5 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
6 This figure declined slightly for older children , a growing proportion of whom lived with a natural parent and a step-parent .
7 What had originated as a spontaneous civilian outburst now began to be depicted in the international media as a revolt by Iraq 's majority Shia community , most of whom lived in the southern part of the country .
8 The report showed that there were between 27,000,000 and 35,000,000 blind people in the world , over 90 per cent of whom lived in the developing world , mostly in rural areas .
9 In my own section , towards the middle of the cloakroom , I saw to my horror two lines of girls staring at me and giggling , and as I came near , one of them asked in a sarcastic voice where I came from .
10 Nothing lived in the entire village , and there was no sign of what had caused the deaths .
11 We have two grown-up children and one grandchild and I enjoy big family gatherings — the Italian influence again — with everyone seated at a round table .
12 The composition is saved from monotony by the subtle characterisation of these figures , and united by the concentration on them effected by the inward-facing chariot-teams and the looks of some of the seated figures and of the two reclining in the angles who frame the design .
13 but er , a lot of them got on the twelve six , you goes the twelve thirty one any way we waved to her when she got on it the coach you see was full at Bart Green , you got , at Redditch
14 The crossbow , most useful in defence when the crossbowman , who needed protection for the time required to wind up his weapon , could hide himself behind a wall , was an elitist weapon , most effective in the hands of Gascons , who fought in Wales for Edward I , and of Genoese , a large contingent of whom fought on the French side at Crécy .
15 Any issues affecting the relations of the Serbs with the imperial authorities or with their Muslim landlords and neighbours had to be dealt with by the Muslim authorities , most of whom operated from the cosmopolitan cities .
16 In 1987 there were 3,500 new recruits , each of whom passed through a formal selection process .
17 Most of them moved towards a similar view of the pacifist tendencies of modern capitalism to that expounded by Norman Angell .
18 ‘ My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour because he has looked upon his lowly handmaid Yes , from this day forward all generations will call me blessed for the Almighty has done great things for me .
19 Galleys took some small part in the indecisive battle of Cape Matapan between the Turkish and Venetian fleets in 1717 ; but apart from the large fleets of them maintained in the Baltic by Russia and Sweden they had become obsolete long before the end of this period .
20 These are ancient divisions of the territory , recognized for centuries past as distinct pays , but you are unlikely to find them entered on a modern map , so I should apologize for introducing what will seem like obsolete names .
21 The general assumption by everyone involved on the Allied side , from 5 Corps up to AFHQ , had been that , in terms of the Yalta repatriation agreement , the " Cossacks " were Soviet citizens , and on that basis the decision in Principle had been made that , however much this may have regretted by some people on humanitarian grounds , the British obligation was to hand them over .
22 There are at least ten or a dozen different principal textures , but it would be unusual to find a large number of them used in the same piece .
23 Nothing moved in the entire length of Westmuir Street .
24 Nothing moved among the tall crops .
25 Houses to accommodate them rose as a compact group south of the churchyard , and the church itself was soon ambitiously transformed to provide the setting for an elaborate cycle of daily worship .
26 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
27 It is possible for us to image a society of saints in which no one committed what we see as crimes , in which everyone behaved in an impeccable manner .
28 When I became in a conscious way feminist I pondered long what it meant that a woman could not in such a way depict Christ as being in her image .
29 The reason I asked for a preserved pension obviously to see whether there was any preserved benefits .
30 I asked for the usual guarantees — that the object would n't endanger my ship or anyone on it , and that carrying it would breach no SenFed laws .
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