Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays all serious conditions were diagnosed before the child was born and steps taken either to correct them or to abort the foetus .
2 The most obvious initiatives are to seek an idea from someone or to put an idea yourself ( see Seeking ideas on page 152 and Idea-having on page 86 ) .
3 He waited for Ballater to explain himself or to state the reason for his visit .
4 The government agreed not to expand them and to give the country 's human rights prosecutor the power to recommend legal action if they committed crimes .
5 Mr Shuker wants students of all ages and backgrounds to have access to courses at times which suit them and to see a move away from the traditional September to June academic year .
6 ‘ I hope to launch a public appeal to help them and to open a Post Office account .
7 When , in 1972 , a proposal was made to demolish them and to sell the site for redevelopment , strong local opposition arose , as a result of which the almshouses were entirely renovated and the interiors brought up to modern standards .
8 In this case the plaintiffs , a firm of estate agents , were employed by the defendants to find for them and to negotiate a lease of office and shop accommodation .
9 But , I mean the concern Carters Mead Resident 's Association I think is well founded , I think there 's been a lot of problems and er I think it can come upon us all to keep talking with them and to improve the situation should the should Woolwich back out .
10 the contract expressly gives the customer the right to return any goods within seven days of receiving them and to cancel the agreemnent .
11 And to a large extent the subsequent history of theology has been determined by the struggle to find the balance between them and to chart a course which will take proper cognisance both of the demands of the inner human self and of the need to hear and recognise the voice that speaks to us from beyond ourselves .
12 They are the rules which enable members to choose between possible modes of conduct available to them and to maintain a sense of propriety and social legitimacy .
13 For most of those institutions controlled by the body , it would be necessary to introduce legislation to confer corporate status on them and to determine the composition and method of appointment of their governing bodies .
14 I then decided to set up a separate tank for them and to buy a pH test kit to make sure the pH was similar .
15 However , to elucidate the differences between them and to indicate the potential for increased co-operation and co-ordination it is useful to define these terms which are often used imprecisely and interchangeably .
16 Very limited entrepreneurial ambitions , conspicuous consumption and a tendency to spread their thin investments over many ventures [ the ‘ group of companies ’ mentality ] , a tendency … to only scratch the surface of innovation , the aversion to teaming up with others , all these and other motivational factors are likely to continue to limit the growth of Nigerian enterprises even in those spheres which are exclusively reserved to them and to postpone the day when they may hope to take over the higher reaches of enterprise .
17 and John one in verse twelve it says but as many have received him , to them he gave the right , the authority , the , the power , to become children of God , even to those who believe on his name and this of course is what making our commitment to Christ is , it 's receiving him for ourselves , it 's plugging in , it 's saying yes I have n't got that power myself , I am not able to do it I need you to come and do it for me , I accept that you have that power , you have that authority , you have dealt with my sin and I receive it for me , we trust Christ to save us from sin and commit ourselves to his kingly ruling our lives , we are as the bible says then , born again , new creations , we are made alive in Christ , I give you one verse in Colossians and in chapter three , verse four it says when Christ who is our life is revelled , then you also no sorry verse , verse three , verse three , sorry for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God but you say that 's all very well that , that brings me into the place of becoming a follower of Jesus yes I 've accepted him , but what about all this pressures here , Christ I , I 'm willing to receive them and to make the centre of my life , I 've received that he died for me , but what about all those things that 's twisting and marring and distorting my life , that 's rubbing me , my life can be more , God wants it to be , well that 's the great thing when Jesus comes , he does n't just come and sit down and that 's all there is to it , but he comes in by the holy spirit and as Christ is the centre of our life so he , as we submit to him and to his authority as we become obedient to his word , doing what he tells us , what he says for us , then the power of his spirit in our life starts operating , God the holy spirit , cos that 's how we become Christians , we are born again of God spirit and God Christ was in us , not the man who walked here on Galilee , he is a man in glory , but he comes into your life and into my life by the holy spirit and he gives us new spiritual resources which help us to overcome those influences of evil that are pressing in on us and trying to , to , to , to distort our lives and depress it into its mould , those things that have spoiled our lives , he gives us spiritual power and spiritual resources over them .
18 I deeply regret my being unable to be with you and to join the memorial service and the dedication together with the related activities .
19 Chancellor Kohl again urged East Berlin not to isolate itself and to open the way for change .
20 It may be felt that the better course is not to deal with such matters in the partnership agreement itself but to leave the offer of consultancy to be produced as an inducement to or reward for retirement at such time as may appear to be in the firm 's best interests .
21 If you simply want to change a direct cylinder to an indirect one or to fit a cylinder with an immersion heater boss , there are ways of adapting an existing direct cylinder — see Upgrading cylinders ( page 52 ) .
22 The paradox is thus a social one and to clear the ground for an attempt at its resolution we must take an extensive detour of several chapters .
23 Would the minister like to say , like to welcome that initiative but also to ensure that the money which the South Thames tech are going to be able to put into that will be able to continue and not only continue in that one but to allow the increase of this after school provision so that those many women in my constituency and who , the many women in South London who are unemployed , will have the opportunity to get back to work and get back to training with that very necessary provision for child care .
24 Did I do it for her or to release the frustration that 's been eating me since I left Deptford ?
25 There were other similarities in character which could be applied then and later in that Dupea was to be portrayed , in many ways , as the bastard who walks out of his family and a pregnant girlfriend , refuses to tell the girl he lives with that he loves her or to play the role of a caring son .
26 But Mr Donovan 's manager , Mr Richard East , said last night that both sides had agreed to hold discussions ‘ to achieve a satisfactory outcome for everybody and to enable the magazine to continue to publish ’ .
27 Creggan was beginning to read the windscape around him and to plan a route by it .
28 Ras Hailu planned to free him and to raise the north in his name .
29 He had told her he might bring Marianne over to meet her and to see the show if they could take time out from all the wedding preparations .
30 She tried hard not to consider the man sitting next to her and to answer the question logically .
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