Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
2 And do you know , ’ he leaned across the table staring at me and tapping the open file softly with his huge fingers , ‘ if tomorrow I decide to release one of them , there will be over three times as much paper-work . ’
3 As you did at the Swan you will separate your collection sending one portion to me and retaining the other in case of accidents by sea …
4 I remember dad running after me and having a long conversation trying to make me understand . ’
5 Tim is doing a one-year cabinetmaking course with me and paying a princely sum for the pleasure of doing it .
6 The Hearthwares and Myrcans were greeted with friendliness and something like relief by the people they came upon — merchants in covered carts , farmers with flocks and herds , women bent under loads of firewood or water , children trailing behind them and eyeing the armoured figures on the big horses in wonder .
7 There are so many paths and old miners ' tracks around this area of Swaledale that you could spend years walking them and exploring the old workings and still not cover them all .
8 He knew thanks were required but the effort of offering them and making a satisfactory excuse seemed altogether too much .
9 ‘ You are very much mistaken , ’ he muttered , looking beyond them and keeping a close eye on his sister and Mitch as they rode along laughing and talking .
10 The lower age limit on party membership was reduced to 16 ; this came after the party lost 700,000 members since reconstituting itself and coming a humiliating fourth place in the national elections in March and April [ see p. 37380 ] .
11 Of course it conflicts with the commercial urgency of producing something or gaining a new market .
12 And people say they noticed how tightly O was holding Boy , pulling him closer and closer to him , as if he was clutching at him ; and how he smelt Boy too , taking in big draughts of the air around him , as if he was a man just escaped from drowning holding onto something and pulling the sweet night air down into his lungs in great grateful gulps .
13 Modular fuel tanks ( you literally switch tanks by landing , disposing of the empty one and clipping a full one on ) give the CIRV a five-hour maximum endurance and a range up to 250 miles , or fifty miles unrefuelled , cruising at 30–50 mph after a take-off run which can be as short at two metres .
14 Kolchinsky waited until Whitlock was seated before opening the file on the desk in front of him and outlining the sketchy details Philpott had received from their UNACO contact in Beirut earlier that morning .
15 These he carried home , partly because the little room lacked storage space , partly to appease the secretive , magpie instinct which was part of his nature : he loved to keep , hide , obfuscate , cover his tracks ; he had fantasies in the watches of the night of other scholars stealing a march on him and publishing the definitive study of Walter Machin first ( though how that would be possible , in view of his privileged position , he would have been hard put to it to say ) .
16 ‘ You might fall asleep again , ’ he said , picking up a mug from the table beside him and taking a long swallow .
17 Sometimes Gina sat on the lavatory watching him and making a bad smell or laughing .
18 He turned and looked at his guard who was waiting tamely behind him and keeping an occasional look-out along the wire .
19 On April 21 , 10 ministers issued a statement to the chair of the Supreme Council , Vytautas Landsbergis , referring to Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius 's " dictatorial work style " , placing in doubt their future co-operation with him and asking the Supreme Council to examine ministerial and Prime Ministerial functions .
20 She did so , leaning slightly towards him and giving a surreptitious sniff .
21 I do , ’ Caroline admitted , holding the warm little body against her and experiencing a faint , inexplicable pang at the other girl 's words .
22 Her head was cradled in the crook of Luke 's left arm and she lay contentedly , feeling the rhythm of Luke 's breathing beside her and watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest .
23 But any hope he might have had of sliding his arm round her and trying a tentative first kiss on the drive home was scotched when she fell asleep the moment she got into the car .
24 He was rapidly proved right ; Spain pledged herself in December to a Family Compact with France , forcing England , on 2 January 1762 , to declare war on her and reviving the old nightmare of a joint Franco-Spanish fleet sweeping up the Channel to land a papist army on English soil .
25 ‘ I need some tea and I 've got a thermos here , ’ he announced , getting out of the car without looking at her and opening the back door on his side to find the thermos which he had filled before starting off .
26 Noisily opening the door in front of her and carrying a small portable cage from which Creggan instinctively flinched in fear .
27 Antony Bourgois , 20 , of no fixed address , faces three charges — the attempted abduction of Lizzie Lamplugh , 22 , a publishing assistant , falsely imprisoning her and carrying an offensive weapon .
28 Her softened tone said she thought that this was very sweet of him , if a little unnecessary … and suddenly Tom himself was standing behind her and draping a light hand around her bare shoulders .
29 To my mind it 's a pity you did n't take that attitude when you were first made aware of the situation , because when I returned from next door you were still yelling your head off at her and painting a vivid picture of what her life would be with an illegitimate child tacked on to her .
30 As Vivian Salmon has shown , awkwardness in pronunciation , ‘ where the — st suffix of the Thou- form stood in close proximity to consonants whose assimilation was difficult , or would have resulted in syntactic ambiguity ’ , led to a preference for the You form or for one retaining Thou but adding an unstressed do , as in ‘ What didst thou lose ? ’ or ‘ It was ourself thou didst abuse ’ .
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