Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But when you do , you 'd better be prepared for him to come back and hit you on your arms , your chest , that big belly of yours and finally the chin .
2 To have a woman was different , her juices mixed with his and later the recollection gave him zest ; but alone it was cowards ' sport .
3 Ah , that 's within the training , but if you got ta , if you 're gon na train somebody or especially a group of people you 've got ta have some objective that is specific .
4 You know when his boss came in then things went downhill but yeah certainly Tom helped me and just the fact that there was someone there who knew exactly what was going on , be it not a lot but , he was trying to help us , and give us advice and what have you .
5 Not all the time , of course , but it honestly did n't cross my mind until the police had finished questioning me and then the moment did n't seem opportune .
6 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
7 To show the world how many princes felt it worth their while to dance attendance on him , Henry invited them and also the King of Navarre to a court he planned to hold in Limoges at the end of the month .
8 So maybe we could have royalty but they do n't , we do n't have to have the pomp and ceremony that goes with them and also the cost .
9 And the effect for Locke is this , and again I , I quote the legislative being only a fiduciary power , that is to say a power based on trust a fiduciary power to act for certain ends , there remains still in the people a supreme power to remove or alter the legislative when they find the legislative act contrary to the trust imposed in them and thus the community perpetually retains a supreme power of saving themselves from the attempts and designs of every body even if their legislators whenever they shall be so foolish or so wicked as to lay and carry on designs against the liberties and properties of the subject .
10 Many governors are uncertain about the level of responsibility being urged upon them and everywhere the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak when it comes to course funding .
11 In this characteristically elusive passage it is not clear whether Marx means that the social relations of a smallholding peasantry make it easy to tax them ( ‘ Taxes are the source of life for the bureaucracy ’ ) or control them and therefore the bulk of society — uniform and routine administration being more effective than administration requiring flexibility , discretion , decentralization , and so on .
12 They urged friends to join them and so the Society of St Peter Apostle was born a hundred years ago in France .
13 Many thanks to all of them and perhaps the list may inspire a few more in 1991 !
14 Erm my , I have n't had the time to really absorb what is in them and obviously the board would feel the same .
15 It is great to be around friends who have never had a weight problem and find that I have a lot more energy than them and certainly a lot more breath !
16 That 's the , that 's the key point that and were making , that only you or only the dreamer can interpret their own dreams .
17 Thank you er , Gillian Shepherd told other E C Ministers that she and virtually every employer 's organization in Europe remained strongly opposed to the proposals and said it should be left to companies at local level to council workers .
18 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
19 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds conservation officer for Lothian and Borders , Peter Gordon , said : ‘ The wanton killing of this beautiful bird is sickening in itself and also a setback to the peregrine 's attempts to recolonise this part of Scotland . ’
20 Leadership involves a concern for the task itself and also a concern for people .
21 ‘ Camblet ’ , a word as old as Marco polo , or even springing from earlier Arabic associations , connects into ‘ Camelot ’ , fine cloth , finer than camelhair with which it became commonly associated , finer than wool , as fine as silk itself and perhaps a combination of camel and wool and silk .
22 Views on the function of the pilot stage vary among research workers , but I view the pilot stage as being the last one before the actual survey itself and therefore the stage where , as far as possible , the interview schedule is as near to its final form in both questions and answer categories as it can be .
23 Ah computational modelling is easier for me to present to you but then the role of context might become more important so you can appreciate it , in which case I shall give you that first .
24 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
25 Thus , most economists agree that the key issue is not ownership itself but rather the severity of the market competition , or its substitute government competition policy , which the industry faces .
26 His huge diocese , covering not only Northumbria itself but also the tributary territories of the Picts and the Irish colonies in western Scotland , his riches , and the numbers of his monasteries and his followers , made him very much a prince bishop .
27 There was not enough action and they were just too predictable , that they simply did not scare me but surely the point of a horror book is to scare you ?
28 Hardly a word had passed between them but now the gunman looked up and said quietly , ‘ There is nothing that I can do . ’
29 Now that the hand was not naturally and exactly adapted for one specific task it became generally adaptable for just about everything and hence the agency which ultimately controlled the hand was now called on to give it the directions which automatic instinct and locomotive reflexes no longer could .
30 We got the words up there and timed it right and everything and then a rehearsal was done .
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