Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Why could I never go out with them , be like them or have as nice clothes as them ?
2 ‘ Whether we 're laughing , having a row with someone or feeling very anxious , the bodily responses are much the same .
3 To find common ground we have to be ready to disclose information about ourselves and to point out shared interests through chit-chat : ‘ I heard you went to London University .
4 Sullivan opened the door himself and went in alone .
5 ‘ Judy took a fancy to me and got very jealous of Michele , ’ he recalled .
6 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
7 I made him look at me and see how pale I am .
8 Sketch the displays , then use the information in this section to help you compare them and judge how effective each one is .
9 They argue that banks have put the worst of their bad loans behind them and become more efficient , making record profits .
10 If you wash them away it will either become dry and troublesome or the body will try to replace them and become too greasy .
11 He goes Jo got them and laughed as loud as he could , and then blew off down your house .
12 The octopus kills its prey , mainly small crabs , by biting them and injecting highly toxic saliva into the wound .
13 I figured he was waiting for you to wake up , Sleeping-Beauty-style , at which point he 'd marry you and make very tender love to you . ’
14 A good way of checking your trim ( the angle of the board in the water ) is to look behind you and see how small and quiet a wake you can produce by varying your position on the board .
15 The French government actually wants this archaically hide-bound professional body to reform itself and become more competitive , but is expecting it to come up with a solution itself .
16 He did n't tell me but became so agitated and excited , he left the book open with faint drops of candle grease on it .
17 ( b ) ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION TYPE — ( weighing up something and saying how fair , sensible , reasonable or true it is )
18 She learns to stand up for herself and becomes more aware of her own personality .
19 While she worked she told Sara how fortunate she was to be going to Portugal and to have been found a husband and how , when she was married , it would be her duty to obey him and remain utterly faithful to him , taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as her model and guide in all things .
20 ‘ I really went for him and felt rather sorry for it afterwards .
21 This person turned to him and asked how old he was .
22 I grabbed at him and went totally berserk .
23 If only more people could meet him and see how nice he is , say his managers , we would win easily .
24 She was now leaning over towards him and breathing very close to his ear .
25 On the Wednesday morning of the first week of the schedule he was sitting with the cards spread before him and feeling fairly secure .
26 ‘ He liked you to stand up to him and give as good as he got .
27 They were constantly asking me if there was any news of him and becoming increasingly anxious themselves by the lack of progress .
28 The cat gradually made friends with her and became extremely loving , sleeping on her bed and following her everywhere , rubbing against her and jumping up on her lap .
29 Harriet 's sobbing and she herself is st ill cursing and her head 's spinning and spinning and they lurch into each other , and Harriet is n't Princess H any more , cool and cocky , she 's sad too , mysteriously , unglamorously , and she hugs her and feels how slight she is and it seems she 's luckier than Harriet , well , just now .
30 Mrs Wilson looked intently at the figure before her and realised how ridiculous her question was .
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