Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] had [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His lore says that Abraham Stoker , a graduate of Trinity College , Dublin , had given faithful service as general amanuensis to Sir Henry Irving , the fearsome Victorian actor-manager — for whom Stoker had given up his civil service career .
2 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
3 His own queen , whom Surere had revered so deeply , when she requested that she be buried not in the new City of the Horizon , but near her old home , in the Valley of the Dead across the river from the Southern Capital , had been granted her wish , though it had hurt Akhenaten deeply .
4 The little maid whom Elisa had seen earlier standing by the door in the sitting room came into the dining room on both occasions and whispered something into his ear .
5 Negotiations with Exeter , for whom Bastin had signed professionally only weeks before , were successfully concluded , but Bastin himself , showing remarkable maturity for his age , saw his training as an electrical engineer as a sounder career prospect than Arsenal .
6 I rang Morrison and he told me Nigel had driven down to Streatley and found the body dead in bed at about quarter past eleven on Sunday night .
7 There was nothing Karen had liked better than being taken on a guided tour of three or four climaxes .
8 After Rhydoldog , Jane was invited to undertake a second phase of decoration at Remaisnil and , as one of her first gestures , removed a series of framed modern posters which Bernard had positioned up the main stairway ; the focus of the hallway henceforth was a magnificent eighteenth-century Brussels tapestry .
9 He held his gun ready — one of the Kalashnikovs which Trent had smuggled ashore .
10 Workers walked off the morning shift in 66 enterprises , including the giant Minsk tractor works , which Gorbachev had visited barely six weeks before [ see p. 38079 ] .
11 When Goethe , in a scene of Faust I written in Rome , evokes the travail of modern man and shows it being assuaged by the contemplation of the " silver figures of the ancient world " ( der Vorwelt silberne Gestalten ) these shapes are the ideal models of Greek man which Winckelmann had set up in his historico-aesthetic studies ; and when , in his " classical " drama Iphigenia in Tauris , Goethe 's fervent heroine is eventually victorious and the play resolves itself into a serene and harmonious close , it is the spirit of Winckelmann that triumphs .
12 Alan stared at the noticeboard on the opposite wall , pretending to read something but seeing nothing but a blur of the leaflets , notes , scraps of ribbon and withered buttonholes which Lucy had pegged up there .
13 He looked exactly the same except for his hair , which Hari had shaved off for his experiments and which had now grown into a furry black stubble through which the numbered segments of his skull could still be faintly perceived .
14 Before Mrs Carroll could stop her Benny had galloped out of the shop and up the road towards the convent .
15 As such , the move attempted to recapture the populist politics of " People Power " from which Aquino had mobilized so effectively against Marcos .
16 His dream was to transform the world , as the key to the Theory of Evolution for which Darwin had striven so long .
17 She leaned against the wooden door of the orchard , which Léonie had left slightly ajar , and put a hand to the stitch in her side .
18 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
19 It was not until the following Monday that the affidavits on which Julia had worked so hard and for so long were presented to the court .
20 Near the start there are a couple of pieces which Tolkien had written up to thirty years before , both rewritten a little for their new context : Frodo 's ‘ Man in the Moon ’ song in the Prancing Pony , Sam 's ‘ Rhyme of the Troll ’ near Weathertop .
21 She walked up the same hill which d'Urberville had driven down so wildly that June day .
22 Maureen hid her feelings and plied him with tea and food from the trolley which Helen had wheeled in .
23 Eliot was fascinated by the idea which Cornford had put forward ‘ in ‘ The Origin of Attic Comedy ’ , [ that ] this [ medicine-man ] Doctor may be identical with the Doctor who is called in to assist Punch after he has been thrown by his horse' .
24 It turned out the reason we all had to face north-west was because it was the direction ‘ from which Rose had come forth ’ !
25 ‘ No more chocolate , thanks , ’ she said again , then stared down at the topaz surrounded by a cluster of diamonds which Vitor had slid on to the third finger of her left hand .
26 However , there was a separate issue that stemmed from Mr Gillespie 's original agreement with Lawrence which MIH had taken over .
27 There was also the monthly parish draw — top prize , £5 — a ‘ Children 's Corner ’ ( rabbits and a cross to colour in this month ) and Peter 's ‘ Letter from the Rector ’ , which Anna had given up reading because she could not recognize the man in the message .
28 The boulders which God had flung about at the time of the creation had , to Lydia 's eyes , a patriarchal air , and the pebbles which littered the stream seemed like little children confidently at rest in this fatherly presence .
29 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
30 ‘ Awful , awful trouble , ’ she replied and began to re-tell the story which Derek had told earlier in the evening .
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