Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
2 occasionally one feels , as a teacher , rather like a soccer referee who , having blown his whistle for the kick-off , finds the players disconcertingly reluctant to make a move and is reduced to dribbling the ball himself furiously from end to end , scoring brilliant goals in undefended nets , while the motionless players look curiously on .
3 The second mechanism is to have special protein molecules in the membrane , able to take hold of molecules of X and pass them directionally from outside to inside .
4 It reproduces itself identically from generation to generation ; the unconscious imitation of parents by their children is enough to ensure the perpetuation of anthropological systems .
5 And so she continued , through three years , through a series of such violent changes ; she inspected herself anxiously from time to time for signs of manic-depression or schizophrenia , but she could find nothing but symptoms of increasingly quick recovery .
6 He glanced over her slowly from head to foot , taking in the sleeveless green cotton dress with its tight bodice and full skirt that had seemed so modest when she had put it on .
7 The whiteness of his shirt seemed to emphasise his tan , but it was something in the glittering gaze , raking her slowly from head to toe , that made her hesitate .
8 He had deceived her utterly from start to finish , and such calculated deceit was a downright insult !
9 Their situation was similar to the well-known triangular struggle between the Barretts of Wimpole Street , Elizabeth colluding with her father in an illness which kept her tied to home until Robert Browning won her away from invalidism to health through marriage .
10 The company flew him specially from Europe to Bristol at the time .
11 Her navigation system guided her infallibly from waypoint to waypoint .
12 With full heart , Shelley drove through the silent , magic dawn , looking at him sideways from time to time .
13 It moved with her silently from room to room , breathing softly against the back of her neck .
14 The disapproval she had sometimes sensed from him , and that had bothered her fleetingly from time to time , had erupted into a torrent of burning hatred at the discovery that , in spite of the fortune his father had showered on him , Ryan had died in a state of virtual penury .
15 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
16 The Duke held his branch still higher , waving it slowly from side to side , and the piper started a long , echoing note on his drone .
17 And now that I 'd forced myself to take it all out of its cobwebby cupboard and look at it remorselessly from start to finish , I knew I had been instinctively wise not to do it before .
18 I have read it now from cover to cover — every word of it for the past seven years — since I first got hooked on running .
19 There was movement there ; movement and light , as if someone was shining a torch beam on it , swinging it wildly from side to side .
20 Over a period of three hundred years , black people have achieved a growing presence in sport in Britain yet it seems pathetic that we have no account for it apart from reference to the mysterious attribute called natural ability .
21 Tilda alternately nodded her head and shook it violently from side to side .
22 He would analyse the paper sample , photograph and enlarge each individual letter and then mount them on a comparison chart , and the jury would pass it solemnly from hand to hand and wonder wily it needed a highly-paid expert to come and explain what anyone could see with his own eyes .
23 She had recently killed some of Buddie 's hens and turkeys by gripping their necks between her teeth and shaking them violently from side to side before throwing them into the air .
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