Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb -s] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Member for Barrow and Furness ( Mr. Franks ) in the course of an extremely lengthy spech did not answer the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) about fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth Trident nuclear submarines , which only points up the fact that this nation needs a programme of conversion from arms manufacture to material for peaceful purposes .
2 This tension is then ‘ satisfyingly ’ released by the resolution from the Dominant chord to the tonic chord which usually starts off the chorus of the song .
3 He talks of the " dark embryo " which gradually takes on the form of a poem , of " dark psychic material " with which the poet struggles ; it is a " burden " to be relieved or a " demon " to be exorcised .
4 Setting out the authority , scope and application of accounting standards , the Accounting Standards Board ( ASB ) has published its Foreword to Accounting Standards , which also sets out the procedures whereby the ASB issues accounting standards and their relationship to international accounting standards .
5 Ideally , these are taken from an Economy 7 controller , which automatically brings on the lower ( or longer ) element at night and provides for a short ‘ topup ’ during the day with the upper ( or shorter ) element .
6 When they arrive at the restaurant cash points they run their card through the machine which automatically flashes up the price and deducts the cost of their meal .
7 The CIT thanks Transport Development Group for the fine portrait of Philip Henman which now hangs on the first floor landing at 80 Portland Place .
8 The cockpit is then propelled by a large rocket and almost immediately stabilised by a small drogue , or parachute , which then pulls out the main chute , said Mr Brian Miller , of Martin Baker , the leading name in ejection seat invention and manufacture .
9 Sometimes the whole body of the fish is banded with vertical marks , one of which conveniently blots out the real eye .
10 The OR Staff , as they are called , specify what is needed in two documents : the ‘ Staff Target ’ , which is couched in broad enough terms to allow several solutions ; and the ‘ Operational Requirement ’ , which subsequently narrows down the possibilities , and sets out more detailed specifications for the research and development phases of the project .
11 The sea is a jeweller and cutter of gems who daily draws back the green felt covers and displays his precious work and then jealously hides them again with the green covers of the waves .
12 She might go on for years ; I could be as old as she is now before she finally gives up the ghost .
13 *the purchaser — who physically carries out the purchase transaction .
14 she always goes out the pub crying .
15 Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour , she nonetheless holds out the prospect of transformation .
16 She also points out the importance of the older person having some privacy however dependent he or she becomes , with a room that can double as a sitting room and includes , if possible , TV , electric kettle , cups , and so on , so that there is an independent place to be .
17 She even switches off the soap operas on the television when the emotional thermostat gets turned up .
18 This normally involves working either from a design laid out on squared paper or under the direction of an overseer ( or salim in Persian ) , who systematically calls out the colour of each knot as it is required .
19 Each of them really turns around the theory that prior to birth the unborn child is not a persona juridica and , therefore , no duty of care can be or is owed to it .
20 In other words , rather than introducing other , more persuasive factors , he merely sets up the court as the arbiter of a medical issue , and decides that , of all the criteria involved , the crucial ones for determining how the individual is to be regarded by the law are the biological criteria .
21 It just props up the underlying immune system . ’
22 It just sets out the information with any further suggestions .
23 It is clear from Sullivan v West Yorkshire Passenger Executive [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 134 that motor engineers ' evidence can not now be excluded per se at an interlocutory stage , but Hinds v London Transport Executive [ 1979 ] RTR 103 is still good law in so far as the trial judge is still likely to disregard such evidence if it just argues out the cause of the accident without dealing with any real engineering matters .
24 He just gulps down the one he 's got !
25 And the BOR is a friendly fellow too ; he may sometimes be a rough diamond , he may swear and complain about the weather , the food , the British Government , but he shrewdly weighs up the people he meets .
26 When the metal-rich solution , ejected at temperatures of up to 350°C , mixes with cold water , it rapidly precipitates out the metals in the form of sulphides .
27 The use of impro in training has gone through many phases ; it still conjures up the traditional , hackneyed image of a student being asked to be a tree or an icecream .
28 Because I think I would have thought he 'd stop doing that now , but Pam said he still runs down the bottom of the garden .
29 Every time some new one comes out on the market he always calls up the maker and tells them about the small pools win he 's just had . ’
30 It always takes up the same number of positions in the file name , and that 's useful as you shall see .
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