Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] want [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it was selfish of me , I so badly wanted to put a live baby into Celia 's arms — ’ Her mouth quivered slightly and she turned away .
2 ‘ If it had n't gone through this time , I would have had no time left in my life to enter the ministry I so dearly want to join .
3 I so much want to try again .
4 I was a bit disappointed to hear this , I 'd have loved to have heard him say ( on a channel largely watched by scum ) ‘ I only ever wanted to play for Leeds ’ .
5 I mean , I only really wanted to dry me towels , because I hate having to run out laun launderette while I 'm drying all me other clothes on radiators .
6 yes , well is there any more you want to say on that , is er , er , er , subject to Mr as you say of course , erm I just simply wanted to know erm so that I can have a , a , a look , erm at what on one view , erm might be the , the case , it might clear be the conclusion that you er incorrect in or partially incorrect or I was unable to answer all the questions er at this stage
7 I just now want to win the last two races in Japan and Australia and then it 's a new career for me . ’
8 I 'm sure there are other other examples , but I just really wanted to record that appreciation .
9 Er I just really wanted to know when that 's likely to occur .
10 Right I 'll be for the rest of the tutorial really , erm find yourselves something to do , I just really want to follow up er the little amount of time that I spent with second years er looking at their action plans .
11 And there were a few things that you mentioned as you were going through that a you know I just really want to make a few comments on really .
12 ‘ When would I ever not want to experience it ? ’
13 There 's only one thing I ever really wanted to do .
14 Men still want to fuck me , and I still sometimes want to fuck men . ’
15 I really just wanted to see somebody who had done some heinous crimes and find out if there was anything different about him that would throw light on demon possession , that type of thing , ’ he says .
16 I really just wanted to see if Mr Hunter was available , ’ she said , trying to keep her voice casual .
17 I really just wanted to see er just wanted to see the sort of range of things they did now this is more like it you see Effective Writing , Report Writing , Technical Report Writing , Business Sales Corres , Editing House Journals Writing for Publication , Desk Top Publishing , things like working with the media these are more the sort of things that I would see people
18 I really just wanted to record our appreciation erm , and I think those of others too .
19 I really just wanted to speak in support of .
20 On migration , erm I really just wanted to make the point that erm the structure plan and er as supported by the local council is really seeking to meet the needs of the resident population .
21 Team worker I really really want to make sure that the whole team as people work together well that everybody 's happy such is the comment , is everybody happy , he wants to make sure that everybody as individuals is getting on well there 's no stresses or pressures through individuals , individual relationships he tries to keep things smooth within the team .
22 My dearest love , I chatter about all sorts of odd news , when I really only want to tell you that my real self is in your keeping .
23 There 's a second group of students who write to me after that letter in May , and say , ‘ I no longer want to do English at university .
24 As he later admitted in an interview with CA Magazine , ‘ I said to someone at the time , I never again want to conduct a debate lasting three years without once being able to raise my voice ’ .
25 People have said , I 'm taking driving lessons , but I never ever want to drive a car again in my life , afterwards .
26 And the supporters been treating me well , the promotion been treating me well , so obviously I never really wanted to move but we had a few problems with the negotiating with the contract and the financial terms was n't quite right so but I 'm glad to say we 've got it right now and you know we both sort of gave a bit and we came to a settlement er which I 'm very pleased about .
27 But at the time , I suppose I never really wanted to come off .
28 Delightful as it was to meet pleasant company in such an unlikely place , I very badly wanted to exchange our fell citations on the other side of this rock .
29 He considered the opportunity to participate in the project to have tied in well with curriculum trends he had been supporting across the school : This was something I very much wanted to encourage because I have a worry that in spite of everything one does in schools to make children aware of library facilities and how to use them , I think quite a lot of children may still leave school without personally having experienced the whole process of needing to find something out , going to a person who can tell them where to look , going , looking , finding it , and then using it .
30 I very much wanted to continue with my studies but had to get married in accordance with my parents ' wishes .
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