Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] call [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well as I indicated earlier , colleagues , I now call the general secretary to respond to the debate .
2 One of the shawled women must have seen Sharpe and Doggett approaching for she suddenly called the small girl who ran nervously towards the thatched cottage .
3 Erm you gave a a very full account of the sort of pressures that erm you were under because you did n't have a job and you related it to the necessity of involving yourself in what you euphemistically called the black economy .
4 ‘ Refreshing , ’ she euphemistically called the British climate she was about to face for the first time as a ‘ star ’ .
5 It generates paper in sickening profusion ; it makes unconscionable demands on the heroes of the piece , the thirteen or fourteen hundred volunteers drawn mainly from ‘ that two-handed engine ’ we pompously call the binary system of higher education … but with all its faults the system works .
6 So there are educational erm resources erm as well as others and in my view one of the great gaps that 's starting er that 's growing and growing in the world is the difference between educational patterns in the more advanced world and that in some parts of what we normally call the Third World .
7 Although the concept of what we now call a black hole goes back more than two hundred years , the name black hole was introduced only in 1967 by the American physicist John Wheeler .
8 This region is what we now call a black hole .
9 As long ago as 1750 , some astronomers were suggesting that the appearance of the Milky Way could be explained if most of the visible stars lie in a single dislike configuration , one example of what we now call a spiral galaxy .
10 The green belt also formed a tangible focal point for what we now call the environmental lobby .
11 Galileo was one of the first to observe Jupiter through a telescope , and in 1610 he discovered four satellites which we now call the Galilean satellites .
12 Following the conquests of Alexander , Egypt and the rest of the area that we now call the Middle East were dominated by Hellenistic customs and views .
13 Einstein 's original theory of relativity , which he proposed in the paper written in 1905 , is what we now call the special theory of relativity .
14 The industry was unique in that the law prescribed for it health and recreational provisions , what we now call the social wage , for most of this century .
15 He only went to church when he took church parade — he was what we then called a Regular — but he shed buckets of tears when he heard the Last Post .
16 This prompted an unusually animated argument between counsel and the judge , who was clearly outraged at what he expressly called the crass incompetence of the Crown Prosecution Service in serving and making part of the prosecution case a witness they knew would support the defendant and then seeking to discontinue when predictably he did just that .
17 Was he just called the green night or did
18 It is emphasising these offerings rather than the connectivity software products for which it is traditionally known — what it now calls a secondary stream .
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