Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Make the mix fairly dry and press it well down into the joints , filling them right to the top and finishing them flush .
2 Lower them slowly to the start position .
3 His master closed his book and invited me politely to the table .
4 ‘ Someone who may be able to lead me right to the heart of the operation , ’ he said softly .
5 Do n't take me right to the party , drop me off at Sam 's .
6 Functionally the nerve cells may be sensory ( afferent ) neurons , conveying impulses inwards from the sense organs ( p. 123 ff. ) , motor or efferent neurons , conveying them outwards to the effector organs , and association neurons ( interneurons ) that link the other two types .
7 But then there was a sound that sent me swiftly to the door .
8 Every clinic in the United Kingdom has to collect figures on the total attendance and the diagnoses and submit them quarterly to the Department of Health .
9 A different allocation of resources might also have produced growth , but diverting them merely to the home market would have substituted only on the assumption that resources were already being fully utilised there .
10 Two messengers take them to Paris and deliver them personally to the ambassador . ’
11 This and many other means to exhilarate the heart of man have been practised in all ages , as knowing there is nothing better to the preservation of man 's life .
12 We must apply ourselves right to the end of games . ’
13 In so far as any rules had been devised in the past , the principle seems to have been to give power to someone close to the throne , and invested therefore with some of the aura of royalty .
14 Lot was inspired by Ernst Dümmler 's Geschichte des ostfränkischen Reiches , to write not annals but a history of Charles 's reign : " But we have kept tightly within the frame of our subject : while M. Duemmler , under colour of writing the history of the East Frankish kingdom , has dealt almost as much with the history of Italy , of Lotharingia , of West Francia , we have devoted ourselves uniquely to the study of this last country , seen from a political point of view " .
15 About the fishes who swallow human sins , and carry them away to the ocean .
16 ‘ It 's a good thing you do n't know any secrets — you 'd give them away to the milkman ! ’ ’
17 She skips and twists among them , sniffing their hind-quarters , until at last she finds the two she seeks , her own young , and leads them away to the shade of a bush and there lets them suckle .
18 He took me in his arms and carried me downstairs to the library , where he put me in front of the fire , and gave me a glass of wine .
19 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the cart .
20 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the vessel .
21 Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose in hand , and you will have the use of the room .
22 And this brings me finally to the link between circumcision and menstrual taboo .
23 The zoo-man at the turnstile 'd come rushing out and Vern 'd get scared and drag me away to the place where he 'd hidden my …
24 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
25 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
26 Tom himself said it was because he had to work hard at school at subjects other than music , he could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the flute .
27 Pennethorne protested that since 1845 , he had devoted himself entirely to the Office 's work and now found that he had lost all his work .
28 ‘ I had n't heard about Doug but in a case of murder , nobody close to the victim gets overlooked . ’
29 Emile Durkheim ( 1959–1917 ) addressed himself directly to the question of punishment to a much greater extent than either Marx or Weber ever did .
30 This surrender was legitimized only if the monarch devoted himself unsparingly to the good of the state and his subjects .
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