Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 America and Germany are countries which are particularly good at recruiting and keeping in regular contact with their supporters , which makes it far easier to galvanise them when you need them most in the run-up to an election .
2 You must have disturbed them right in the act . "
3 And if you 're in the middle of a supermarket , you can talk to them right in the middle of a supermarket .
4 The way to get the maximum flavour out of dried apricots is to bake them slowly in the oven instead of stewing them .
5 It is also quick enough to get me somewhere in a hurry if I 'm called out on an emergency .
6 We are seven in number altogether , with me right in the middle .
7 ‘ You will land me right in the shit if you do n't fill this up .
8 Why , once he looked me right in the face and sneered .
9 This odd instructor shouted at them constantly in a tone of voice that suggested they were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above a lava-filled crater , being pursued by leathery-skinned trolls .
10 As we support them so in the future , I am certain , as they have in the past , they will support us .
11 While she is away feeding they take the strange kittens and rub them gently in the bedding that carries the female 's scent .
12 providing , and you 've been living off capital in that way , and and and I 'm not prepared to do that , but I do think there is strong case for borrowing , er , providing it 's kept in in that in in er er under control at this time , and borrowing , I may feel that we will be able to be in a much better position to take our capital receipts and use them advantageously in the future .
13 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
14 Both beauties have refused offers to team them together in a film since neither wants to be upstaged .
15 ‘ Fate has thrown them together in a way which could have led to conflict , resentment and bitterness .
16 Having steadily reduced the preparation from organism to circuit , the stage was set for the final reduction ; Kandel 's colleague Samuel Schacher dissected out the specific sensory and motor neurons and incubated them together in a dish ( a procedure known as tissue culture ) .
17 She began to pack them together in a pile .
18 He showed me photographs of them together in a boat there , on a beach , in a restaurant .
19 You do n't have to gather them together in a group in order for that to be a successful piece of creative activity . ’
20 Individually they are fine and I get on very well with most of them , but put them together in a group and they seem to have an attitude problem .
21 In an entire lunch-hour , those same members may produce only half a dozen verbal transactions between them , yet a multitude of non-verbal signals binds them together in a group .
22 It could be something like this : Another exercise of this kind is to study a picture and to write statements of what is in the picture and then link them together in a paragraph .
23 The creative team then set about bringing their idea to life in all the chosen media and putting them together in a fashion which the client will understand .
24 Out of the morally serious upper middle-class English air he took empiricism and Idealism , the assumption of pre-determined progress and a belief in benevolent intervention , the general English notions of biological evolution and a Comtean conviction in positive altruism and put them together in the service of a liberal socialist ideal .
25 Their performances have , over the years , given ordinary people a much-needed reason to feel pride in their native city , while binding them together in the sharing of two terrible tragedies .
26 Yes that 's a good idea sit them together in the hall .
27 Another criticism of this study is that the authors only differentiated very generally between first and second generation Asian and Afro-Caribbeans without discussing the implications of mixing them together in the study , potentially masking important differences in the rates of schizophrenia between the two , and leaving an unclear picture as to whether second generation Asians , who were in the minority , benefited in the same way from the postulated protective factors .
28 So , in fact you 're not going to do anything to them much in the way of discouraging them from removing their forest , by stopping them exporting small amounts of .
29 What is clear is that this was all one society , in which the wives — like Mrs Lowndes herself — wrote books or maintained salons , while their husbands were functionaries , some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown , others — like Frederic Lowndes — no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps , as grey eminences .
30 Stubbly paused for a moment , then rocked forward on his heels and prodded me gently in the chest with a forefinger .
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