Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] need for [art] " in BNC.

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1 They had all the grain of which they needed for a good breakfast to finish
2 There is a relaxed atmosphere and everything you need for a great holiday is here .
3 Arrangements are also supplied for the church and reception , with presentation bouquets , corsages — everything you need for a wonderful floral day .
4 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winners ' certificates .
5 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
6 Luxury hotels where comfort is the key , with everything you need for a really relaxing weekend .
7 Many of these , like the Forte Hotel Village , are fully self-contained , you might describe them as small holiday resorts in their own right , offering everything you need for a marvellous stay in unspoilt surroundings , away from the more commercialised resort areas .
8 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
9 With a good area of fine pebbles , patches of shade , areas of sun , a fresh water shower , a big barbecue grill and a neighbouring taverna it 's got everything you need for a comfortable day , and a few pleasant social evenings too .
10 Plus there are adhesive strips , banger strips , mottos and hats — everything you need for a cracking cracker .
11 You get up to 5 radiators , a wall mounted heat generator , a comfort controller and a time clock ; everything you need for the smaller home , at a very competitive price .
12 On her way to the house she stopped off in the Campo San Maurizio to see if Annunziata had everything she needed for the dinner she was preparing to welcome Comfort , and discovered that the English post had arrived with a letter from George Wilson .
13 She looked forward to his usual visit that evening , but he did not come , and it was Comfort who appeared at half-past nine to remake Julia 's bed and see that she had everything she needed for the night .
14 It 's almost exactly the same … we get everything we need for the notes written on the board so we can just copy it down … so it 's just the same as school , except the homework — when you do those problem sheets , they do n't bother to mark it .
15 And those sturdy thighs of hers are just what you need for a good rumbustious kazatzki .
16 Just take a small bag with what you need for the night and a warm pullover and leave the key to your door with your next-door neighbours . ’
17 But I I I think you should say a clear and simple statement of what our what we need for the company or person approached is
18 ‘ Single 50p coins and £1 coins in the collection plate are not going to get us anywhere near what we need for the life of today 's Church . ’
19 eh what she needs is what we need for the summer weather Connie , my brother is
20 ‘ Now the way is open to St Bede 's and St Augustine 's parents to get what they need for the good of their children .
21 In 1974 , he decided that none of the developmental systems being studied really gave him what he needed for a study of development .
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