Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain the Communist Party returned to its attempts to work with sections of the Labour Party .
2 But they need all their skills to cope with conditions in Bosnia .
3 Royal Navy Stewards are trained in hotel services and management and use their skills to look after officers ' accommodation ashore and afloat .
4 One of the common threads that have emerged from my dicussions has been the necessity , when considering how the law might be reformed , of tackling the question of protecting employees from being obliged by their employers to work on Sundays , against their wishes , or incurring any penalty for not doing so .
5 On the other hand , virtually all the demands which the Anglicans had been pressing for in their attempts to come to terms with James , such as those made by the bishops in their meeting with the King on 3 October , did .
6 Territorial disputes give rise to elaborate tournaments in which workers extend their legs to walk on stilts and drum their antennae on each other 's abdomens .
7 and drop their heads to sniff for tracks .
8 Distress caused her eyes to brim with tears , and , furious with her own weakness , she turned and went to the inner office window , where she stared through a blur at the tree-sheltered chalets .
9 Long before we Brits got to grips with spices , the Mexicans were grinding all kinds of seasonings into their sauces to serve with tortillas .
10 So it 's going to take a very long time , because it has been male orientated , but until we get the attitude of the work place , which is encouraging their piers to apply for jobs instead of , oh , of course , I do n't think I will apply for that job .
11 At the end of the five year period , the employees will be able to use their savings to subscribe for shares at a discount of up to 20% of the value of the shares when they started saving .
12 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
13 On-the-spot reporters time their pieces to coincide with police sirens and people yelling .
14 The discrepancy between the facts and what one licensed dealer told its dealers to pass onto clients was sometimes revealed when a company 's executives addressed the dealing floor .
15 For example , that they were diligently enforcing bye-laws about where costermongers ’ barrows could be parked , while ducking their responsibilities to deal with ruffians and robbers .
16 The so-called deputies ' science and technology working group was asked to nominate people within their agencies to serve on panels that will develop policies for 15 topics ranging from specific issues such as medical technology to basic research itself .
17 Support groups for people with particular needs or conditions also play a vital part in helping some older people and their families to adapt to changes in their lives .
18 Conversely , managers ( quite reasonably ) insist that it would be equally unjust if their rights to commission on projects which they have initiated were to cease the moment they parted company from the artist .
19 Well , I , I think it 's a sound idea , I think it 's sad at a time of local government reorganization when we 're likely to see authorities getting smaller , and yet the , the issues wo n't get any smaller , and the new authorities may well be having to look at ways of getting together with their neighbours to look at strategies which cover areas of the sort of size of the old county areas , and also getting together to , to , to meet , erm , organizations which will still on county-size boundaries , like Techs , and , and similar .
20 Such was Kylie 's hatred of what she called ‘ pirate ’ pictures of her that she instructed her lawyers to look into ways of suing those who published unofficial photographs of her on the myriad items of memorabilia that filled shops all over the world .
21 Hence the Italian Department designs its courses to instil into students not simply a skill in handling the Italian language and in appreciating its literature , but also an understanding of its history , politics and institutions .
22 It took me years to come to terms with this .
23 Finally , the exporter could open a dollar account at his own bank in Germany , ( or with BAB in New York ) and then use the proceeds of his exports to pay for imports from the USA and other countries .
24 The Count can call upon his knights to come to arms and fight as part of his army .
25 Given the way that business is suffering under the policies and decisions of this Government , and especially the policies of the Prime Minister , does the Minister recognise that he has a responsibility to ask his officials to deal with businesses in such a way as to enable them , wherever possible , to retain jobs and to keep their businesses going ?
26 Though Larry does not ultimately succeed in reintegrating himself into the world , his efforts to come to terms with the consequences of his experience in the death world of his hallucination indicate a potential mode of interpersonal relation that would provide the basis for a more ‘ sane ’ existence .
27 A baker is asking his customers to choose between doughnuts made with blue , red , yellow and green icing .
28 After a ten-week trial , the high court said Traore had ordered his forces to fire on demonstrators in the capital , Bamako , and provincial cities , killing 106 people .
29 Another of Polgar 's battles is his refusal to allow his girls to play in women 's tournaments , with the exception of the Olympics , where Zsuzsa triumphed .
30 The question of how illuminators knew what paintings to put into manuscripts forms the core of Professor Alexander 's book .
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